Club 600

Yeah I dont think I did it right.
Re-ammending used soil is the issue for me. The original batch with the soil was perfect, but now on 3rd re use
I been using the same soil mix for a couple years, it's all about re-amending like you said. Let me know if you ever need help. IMO if you need to do teas and supplements you did it wrong, i water my plants only. Soil is like wine, the longer you age it the better it gets.
Of course everyone has their own opinion. I don't feel like I am doing it wrong.

And IMO soil is not like wine, wine gets to a certain stage where it starts to turn to vinegar. Just saying....... if we want to get anal about it all:)
Didn't mean it like that , sorry i offended. Just meant to say if you do a proper soil mix you can water from start to finish without using anything else and have a nice green healthy plant at the end . Happy growing.
The answer is yes. Often a bit of this or a touch of that might help, but, yes, you can.

I found that compost teas were more than enough to fill any difference when I was
taking the time to brew them. (I will again)

Jesus did it at a wedding when they ran out of wine.

Mmmmn, I saw someone at a wedding pouring wine out of the sleave of their jacket and I thought it was pretty magic.....not sure how he missed his mouth in the first place as he was a massive gobshite. His wife was even funnier, she stood there and abused him right to my face and it was the first time I had actually met the couple (he was the grooms brother). Needless to say, the marriage never lasted as long as the stain in the grooms brothers shirt did.

Didn't mean it like that , sorry i offended. Just meant to say if you do a proper soil mix you can water from start to finish without using anything else and have a nice green healthy plant at the end . Happy growing.
No worries bru, just messing. After having kids I have realised my skin has got a lot thicker....fuk me I get rejected on a daily now, questioned about everything and then asked to even clarify that.....meanwhile having to suck it up lol. I do love my bairns though haha.