Club 600

Humidity is always a problem here also, I run a dehumidifier but that adds
more heat to the basement right now it's 79f in the flower room and 85f
in the rest of the basement. This is the first year running the AC this late
in the season.
Dropped 5 fem Dog beans to run with Bodhi's Jam x Snow Lotus
next will be Doc's Cherry Pie Glue x Triple Purple Doja should give
some nice color if it cools off.

I stopped running my dehuey inside due to the heat...just seemed to make things worse (hard when you have a 1.2m squared cupboard with so much soil and plant materia)l...even when running 8 inch extraction fans. Holding fingers I have been using an organic foliar spray (non pesticide) with silocon and other goodies in it and really does the job for me. Cheery pie glue sounds like a bit of funk for sure:)
Anyone know what this is, and what to do about it if anything?

I took it all of and not a mark on the branch. But u don't like the look of it and would prefer for it not to come back.

Thanks in advance


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Anyone know what this is, and what to do about it if anything?

I took it all of and not a mark on the branch. But u don't like the look of it and would prefer for it not to come back.

Thanks in advance
yes mate. they are called scale lice or as i found out...schildluis in Dutch. The little ofgspring fuckers are laid under the skin and are then released to reak havock. I have them on my birds of paradise and they are a cunt to get rid of. Alcohol kills the fuckers:)
Thanks for the info. I think it's probably from the citrus trees nearby. Fuck stuff looks nasty, I took them all off and will see what I can get for the soil. :barf:

Gross, i agree... use iso to rub stems clean.... then mix neem, soap, and a little water till emulsified. Add DE till its a paste. Paint all stems w it.. nothing will want to crawl up your plant.

Hope your well Buddy!
Heres my recipe for all soft bodied insects. 1oz peppermint 1 0z rosemary oil 2 oz neem 1 oz dish soap. Mix into 2 cups warm water and shake. 2 cups per gallon full strength only if the plant is really hurt up to week 3. 1 cup per gallon maintenance level. The rosemary oil turns those fuckers inside out and nukes the eggs.