Club 600

Thanks for asking D!
Grandbabies are making us so happy! Sent the grandson a skateboard (for indoor use only) to allow him to acclimate to the physics of the thing while he is young. Also got him a football and some golf clubs. He turned one year old in April and we still have not met him in person. They are flying out in June!

My granddaughter comes over every other weekend to visit. She plays with the Duplo and Playmobile toys. She turns one in September.
Mrs. Mo asks her how she is doing and she replies by jabbering away and pointing up and laughing and jabbering. She tells a whole story for five minutes. It is amazing. Being a Grand-dude is well worth the price of having children!

Keeping fingers crossed you get to meet up with Grandson sooner rather than later. My son takes five minutes to tell a 10 second story lol..."and then Daddy and then Daddy and then Daddy and then Daddy....and then what? just tell me I need to know now hahahaha. Aren't younglings just the biz!