Club 600


Well-Known Member
I like a combo of beans on toast with two fried eggs on top (and a bit of grated cheese to boot - i do live in cheeseland after all)

Here's another bit of useless info: In Holland you wouldn't buy beans on toast, you would buy an Uitsmijter (pronounced OUTS-MY-TER), this is Bread with ham and eggs on top, then of course with cheese on top of that. This is their equivalent of B-on-T. Funnily enough an Uitsnijter is also a Bouncer (doorman) which is quite strange. Not been able to get my head round the connection on that one yet....

mr west

Well-Known Member
I have seen places in dam that sold beans on toast and the like for the english stoner population but that was over ten years ago now.


Well-Known Member
DoeEyed, lemon skunk and power kush, hope to be sampling both of those this weekend. Super healthy looking clones, and lovely looking ladies.
Thanks-I've yet to try either of them, come back with a smoke report for us?

Beans on toast - never tried that one! When it's down to the wire, we usually go with macaroni and cheese, or ramen noodles - both staples of the poor man's diet. hehe


Well-Known Member
Hey fellow Sixers, I need some help. Although not 600 related I would appreciate it if you could swing by and give me some opinions.
bender my veg box is about the same sizr that i was using i used a 200 watt cfl hanging verticaly and i tyhink it works great and is cost effective with llittle heat. i would have hung the bulb horzontily but verticly spread the ligh more even. ill try to find a pic of it later. also that can of beans looks like a can of Bush means but just the name swaped out, sounds good now that im talkin about it

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Thanks-I've yet to try either of them, come back with a smoke report for us?

Beans on toast - never tried that one! When it's down to the wire, we usually go with macaroni and cheese, or ramen noodles - both staples of the poor man's diet. hehe
I'll be happy to provide a smoke report, I've had neither myself.
We have baked beans in the states, B&M baked beans...

Brick oven baked beans since 1867, we also have this kind that our ex-president Bush's dog makes. The dog's name is Jake but for some reason they call them Bush's baked beans. Any decent BBQ joint in the south, baked beans comes with whatever you order. We know more than refried beans in the states. We also know bud, and not just the beer.

I've eaten more macaroni and cheese, ramen noodles, beans, eggs, hot dogs, bologna and a ton of other poor mans food than I care to recall. Even had a can of spam a month or two ago. What the hell was I thinking?


Well-Known Member
Regardless how they come, I fucking love beans.

My fav poor mans food during college was these korean noodles.

Just pour in boiling water and crack an egg or two in the bowl. Let it sit for a min and then chow down. Warning, this contains a nice heavy dose of MSG.


Well-Known Member
LOL i remember buying a 12 pack of those korean instant noodles at the korean market, this really nice old korean fellow came up to me and said that I really shouldn't be eating that, it could give me major health problems. I ate the 12 pack in 4 days, got sick of them, and since then no NONG SHIM Noodles fo me.


Well-Known Member
sup 600 club today is Day 36. I'm 5 days into flowering and pre-flowers are showing up on most plants. switched to big bloom and tiger bloom, in addition my 600w hps bulb on 12/12 cycle. its the journal in my sig for anyone wanting to see it day by day.


Well-Known Member
hey guys i llied about when i was gonna harves the other big girl i just spent the last few hours trimmin her and hanggin her, i ony did this cuz she was taking up half my grow room and the other half has 6 plants floweering and they really needed the room. i think i will end up with about 4 ozs of this one their is less branches but bigger buds. i would of kept her going but my other babies need room will have pics soon of harvest


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals, been tearing it up getting back in the workin groove. Its nice to be tired from doing something physical.

Cave report. No pics sorry im far to tired tonite, besides nor any bud porn. But all my beans have spouted and are entering seedling stage.

My clones ive choosen for the outdoors are taking good in the soil. And more clones rooting. Gonna give the outdoors a good run since ive got so many dif strains started. I guess ill be mr veg porn for awhile:hump: However once i get into the warmer months here im gonna have to cool the room AC. Its only been in the 60s and room temps are running close to 83. And thats with all exhaust/intake running with only 1 600.

Theres a thread somwhere on here [RIU} if anyone can recall how a guy built his own cooling rig "patent pending" Id like to find that one again. Anyways of to the fart sac... Peace 600 And GREAT PICS BUDS PLANTS :clap::clap::clap::weed: EVERYONE !!!!!!!! 1BMM late


Well-Known Member
600 Club get the dibs on the update

om Day 24

Single OG lady under a 600w. Insane amount of trimming. Way too bushy. Looks like it is going to yield a good.

Usually by day 21 I would start adding some flowering nutes already, but this round I am just feeding the base nutes with roots/silica/cal-mag

They look more frosty and more leafy. I will start some boosters in 10 more days or so. Tell me what you guys think.


Bloom Day 63

A fellow CJ grower recommended I give one more boost and then continue the flush. He said, casey loves late boost.

I gave CJ and OG a boost on day 62 and they got even frostier overnight.

2 day I will wash out the salt with clearex, cuz I will only have like 6 days to flush.

Casey Jones

OG (really didn't know OG could get this big)

Here is the Casey Jones ready for 600 watts. I have give it 2 FIM sessions, a little LST. I have got 15 huge main colas on the current casey, but this one for next round my goal is to have at least 15-20 main colas.




Well-Known Member
looks great bender + rep.
Thank you brother.

I was asked some questions about the screen setup for the single OG lady so let me clarify how I did it.

The single OG under the 600 wasn't grown like conventional SCROG. It was a combination of LST with sticks and zip ties, which I removed after the stems were set in their new position. After that I added the screen.

To fill up a big screen like that with one plant, you either gotta have two screens or do LST then add a single screen at the flip.

For sure a screen this big is a lot of work and I think it isn't worth it, I only did it to stay under the limit. With clones for the next round it is very easy to go over the limit. Although there isn't technically a limit any more, I am still gonna stay safe and be under.

Here is a pic, where I attempt to show the LST and SCROG sections.


