Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey LG, they do look frosty as a frosty thing. You should check 323cheezey, he's into all sorts of kush's. I think he has also grown skywalker...perhaps. Oh, and a little tip, if you open your pics in windows viewer, photo gallery, or whatever it's called, Press the Fix button, then a drop down appear on the right hand side, and you can click to adjust Exposure. May help with the brightness those trichs are giving off, lol.

EDIT, just tried to upload one of your pics LG (that I adjusted the brightness on) but for some reason RIU isn't having it. Or perhaps it's IE9 which seems to have also done something to my email. Rebooting, lol.
anybody have a chance to try the power-trip 600w dual ark. I am half way thru my first run with it and so far the girls look great! I also changed from f.f. to House-Garden so it not really a controlled experiment.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear some of you had a bad exp with thr digis :-( both my 600ds and 1ks are fine... its almost 420, do you know where your bong is?!


Well-Known Member
on my lips ! first taste of my jillybean! not properly cured just some popcorn I wasn't planning on curing anyway so it's not a proper sample.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Triple Action ll

I forgot to mention that it has a short shelf life-like 48 hours max when mixed. Just mix enough to thoroughly spray your plants for each application.

About prisons

The late comedian-Richard Pryor-made a movie in the Arizona state pen and made a couple of comments about it that I will mis-quote, but you'll understand the gist of it.
"I looked around and there were hundreds of strong, black men incarcerated and later when I had a chance to meet them I had but one comment, keep the muther's locked up. I now know the meaning of a danger to society."



Active Member
good to know on the spray i used the whole mix i mixed up went thru all the plants took awhile but hope i can get his problem under control, ime actually glad i am getting to fight these mites that way i have some experiance on it incase it ever happens to me

pics are lookin good guys

mr west

Well-Known Member
Triple Action ll

I forgot to mention that it has a short shelf life-like 48 hours max when mixed. Just mix enough to thoroughly spray your plants for each application.

About prisons

The late comedian-Richard Pryor-made a movie in the Arizona state pen and made a couple of comments about it that I will mis-quote, but you'll understand the gist of it.
"I looked around and there were hundreds of strong, black men incarcerated and later when I had a chance to meet them I had but one comment, keep the muther's locked up. I now know the meaning of a danger to society."

What happens to it after 48hrs cof? Ive done one application and the plants are looking better already. I love Richard Pryor, he was my hero lol. Fellow ms sufferer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint::fire:


Well-Known Member
Awesome pr0n peeps, Bekind, Batcave and LG2004. I have some pics but the camera bettery has died so you will all just need to wait. Bekind, I love the Venom OG Kush, looks quite like my Thelma Headband....

Anyway, don't get me started on prisons again. Of course there is a reason to lock dangerous people up, but what made them that way in the first place? They where born out of a women and made with jizz just like all of us law abiding citizens, lol. Now if you really want to look at a depraved prisoni system, and I don't mean the buildings or the actual government system, I mean the system the inmates have created. Read up on the Numbers Gangs. In fact if you get the chance read the following book: The Numer by Jonny Steinberg, or check it out on wiki.... Society makes people what they are, and subsequently then creates prison to hold the people that it creates...its wrong. No matter how dangerous you think these people are, society has made them dangerous. Unless you believe in Lombroso's theory of genetic inheritence which has long been disproven....sorry, you got me going. Pr0n to come soon...I'll shut up now.

Peace, DST


Active Member
hey guys i forgot to donate some porn yesterday when my lights were on, ill grab some photos for you tonight.
got my two tents, temps are now down to 86 but thats with the tents open at the top :(
its just over 1 weeks flower and they sure filled out the space, the chronic is a monster, im praying the clones i took root but its not looking good. she drinks a good 5 liters of water every 3 days (13 liter/3.5 gallon pot), and it bone dry after the third day, i would water sooner but i like to do them all at the same time.

threw my sativa blue cheese in as soon as it rooted too, it was about 2 inches tall, now its taller than my chronic thats 6 weeks from seed. crazy crazy.

ill throw up photos around 9 ish tonight gmt.
but can i just ask, when you guys florwer from rooted clones, and you work on 1 plant per foot, how big are the cuttings that go in (say a heavy indica or 60/40)? ive messed about with rooted clones but havnt got the size right. any advice?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Good morning 600. Some point and shoots may have a "flash compensation" setting in them where you can turn down your flash. Otherwise, other ways you can compensate is my increasing shutter speed and/or decreasing aperture size (the amount the shutter will open.) Think of your shutter speed as your eyelids, opening and closing. Think of your aperture as your eyes pupil, getting small with lots of light and large in the dark.


Well-Known Member
Good morning 600. Some point and shoots may have a "flash compensation" setting in them where you can turn down your flash. Otherwise, other ways you can compensate is my increasing shutter speed and/or decreasing aperture size (the amount the shutter will open.) Think of your shutter speed as your eyelids, opening and closing. Think of your aperture as your eyes pupil, getting small with lots of light and large in the dark.
Thanks for the advice I will start playing with mine today!


Active Member
IS anyone growing pineapple express? im sure ive seen a few on here, would it be possible to see some photos in bud? I would just like ot compare it to my pheno? also does anyone have any info on the new serious seeds strain?