I've been working on the drums in Ableton Live all day, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt...

No, but I did make my VERY FIRST DRUM BEAT (from scratch) !!!
And I also made four new audio vids made of my first baby steps using Ableton as a MIDI drum & instrument device.

These all use the exact same 4-measure back beat that I created to use as a reference beat to run through the basics of it for duchie & jig to check out.
The first vid is just me switching from the original drum kit through the other 5 pre-made drum kits that come with Ableton Live.
There are two drum kits named Jazz that suck, and I'm sure you'll pick those out pretty easily.
The second vid is the same back beat but adding in me figuring out how to use the "Randomness" filter to make the drums less machiney sounding. (I've only uncovered the tiniest tip of the iceberg with the controls this thing has).
In the beginning I switch back & forth between normal beat to adding some randomness, and I add more randomness each time (and different randomness).
Towards the end I figured out how to target the high's, mid's and low's with randomness, and focused on the kick drum and tom (I'm sure you'll notice).
The third vid I take the original 4-measure back beat and use the MIDI map of it with other effects and filters to get that neat ambiance sound.
Then you get to hear me use the Virtual Violin for the very first time. (viola was actually my first instrument when I started formal training as a young kid)
It was done using the computer keyboard in lieu of a midi pad or midi-enable keyboard (piano-style), or midi-enable guitar (on my wish list is a MIDI pickup for my bass guitar. A Roland GK-3B. Each string gets it's own micro-sized humbucking pickup that transmits a midi signal to the controller to make your guitar sound like most anything).
(AND: I am getting a MIDI enabled keyboard in September.
Period. End of story. 'Nuff said. The computer keyboard is a poor musical instrument

. And keyboards/organ/piano were the first I learned on at home before formal training )
The fourth vid is just me taking the exact same 4-measure back beat and adding a 8th note "Swing" filter to it.
While I was listening to it, I decided to pick up my bass and record an impromptu jazz-ish bass improv with it.
It's weak, and I fall out of key once in a while, but damn: this means I can really accelerate my learning of new styles and techniques, as well as finally make a committed foray into making original music (just been waiting for the right time).
So, 5 of 5 stars for Ableton Live 8.2.2 !!!
I'm freaking out now because I have been thinking of a big steaming plate of nachos for a little while now....
...and a joint.