Club 600


Well-Known Member
I have one final entry coming.
Hopefully something that'll bang your ear vag a good one.
But you might have to Smoke Two Joints before you listen to it ;-)

Have to re-attach my Cam-tar™ and get 'er done before it's too late :-)


Well-Known Member
I havent cleaned my probes since I bought the meter... Maybe its time I do that,,, Put it on the list.
I read about california banning gravity because they wont release whats in it... Oh well, Iv never used it, I seem to get by ok.
uh oh. I just finished the bottle, so I wont buy another one. Thanks for the input bro. That's not good.
Gravity has been recalled, something about causing health issues or some shit... I would take a look into it before using it anymore


Well-Known Member
Thanks G. You too BC.

So BC, what's the plans for the little planter full of hydroton?

EDIT: Jesus... I said thanks, but now I'm not so sure. I'm fucking scared out of my mind right now. Am I going to die in a few years because I've been smoking weed grown with both bushmaster and gravity for 2+ years. People sure do fucking suck sometimes. Thanks HCO, bastards.


Well-Known Member
does anyone know if there is a difference in potency between the large cola buds and smaller nugs?
Good question Dr, I was discussing the other day how when we extract thc the thc % goes up in the product. It was actually the guy Swerve from Cali Connection Seeds (who seems to pop up now and then in the Grey Area coffeeshop). He commented on how dry kief had a lower %thc than his budder, but when he checked it out in the scope, his dry kief was just trichome heads. So how could that not be pure THC. So I summised that there are probably other elements in the trichome head, sugars, strarches, etc, etc. The fact that the moroccans bag all their trichomes and then beat them with sticks for a day to release and break the bulbous heads, heating the trichomes up to produce caramello hash. So that being said, I would suspect that buds nearer the top of the plant will receive more trichome concentration, (for protection against natures elements) and as such be more potent. What %, I would not like to say as this is all summation.

How do you guys clean your ph probes? Mine keeps getting mold growing on it, and I can't clean it real well. I don't want to ruin it either.
Never done it as I haven't PH'd in years.....bad boy.

So it's page 666, the number of

But I am not satisfied with the number of competition entries yet so COME ON TAE FUK, GET THEM ENTRIES IN.....the competition rides on....

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Almost there...

Took eight flippin' takes to get this one worth posting, with the required huge bong rip-a-rooni at the beginning of each take.
Matanuska Thunderfuck.
so... Sublimely wasted...
just need to import audio & video into MovieMaker, sych them up nice & tight, upload to youwhoski and post the link.
Will be a few minutes: my head is spinning pretty good, and I have to take my pill meds before I forget my scheduling.
But I'm on it!!!!

Here is a baby Romulan, plotting on you at all turns ;-)

***edit #2:
youtube is processing.....

keep in mind I bong ripped it bigtime at the beginning of each of the EIGHT attempts to get it even this close... :-)
Just decided it was an appropriate song when I posted my intent to record it, though I have never once played it up to that point in time.
So I ran through it about 20 times in a row before hitting the record buttons.
I plan on working on it as time goes by, now that I have the basics.
But it is deceptively hard to play, so please forgive my mistakes as the rear-mounted Cam-tar™ mount needed about an extra 5 pounds of counter weights, and controlling the body & neck of the bass while trying to keep up with the song was very difficult :-)
Peace, and much love to all of the 600!


Green Apple

Well-Known Member
Hey Jigfresh, I too use the ph drops, and I know exactly what your talking about bro! When your stoned your eye's can play tricks on you, and the color change is so subtle. I was definetly gonna look into a meter for my next run.


Well-Known Member

I ordered a UV-Warning sign on-line .. it came today :) its more for novelty than anything else.. but I thought it'd look cool mounted on my cabs rear wall.. I also put in a clone of my Royal-Haze this morning.. she's got some catching up to do !! Still thats another thing I can cross off my list of things to do :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

I ordered a UV-Warning sign on-line .. it came today :) its more for novelty than anything else.. but I thought it'd look cool mounted on my cabs rear wall.. I also put in a clone of my Royal-Haze this morning.. she's got some catching up to do !! Still thats another thing I can cross off my list of things to do :) - STELTHY :leaf:
Just don't go putting one of THESE in there so it triggers whenever you open the door!



Well-Known Member
just curious stelthy man, how much did that lot cost to put together?

The cab and all its features set me back approx between /£1700.00 and £2000.00 and then with all the nuitrients hmm.... I'd say approx £600.00 - £800.00 ...All in all thats between £2100.00 and £2800.00 for the complete setup.

I know its alot! but its been a great project and kept me busy as well as fixated on RIU :) and now its all about reaping the rewards :) :) :)

Sorry for so many pics but I thought I'd give a bit more of a detailed overview of what I've done and from where I started etc, hope y'all enjoy the pics - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
That's not cheap my cellar probably cost no more than a grand and that's including smashing through the wall to vent stale air into the stench pipe


Well-Known Member
That's not cheap my cellar probably cost no more than a grand and that's including smashing through the wall to vent stale air into the stench pipe
Yeah its not been cheap by any means and I have made a lot of chop and changes etc etc.. If I had not upgraded and changed things along the way and built it as it is today I think the cab alone could be made for around £1100.00 and inclusive of all the nuits, perhaps £1700.00....

Still not cheap! But since I'll never need to buy bud again :) :) :) I still consider it a wise investment... An expensive...But wise investment !! lol - STELTHY :leaf: