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Papa Johns Pizza supports driver who reported medical marijuana patient to police
By "Radical" Russ Belville on October 4, 2011
Papa John's supports its drivers turning you into police for smoking pot, even if you're a legal medical patient.
You would think that pizza delivery companies would understand who their customers are and that a great number of them smoke marijuana. If youre a pizza delivery company in Colorado, youd understand that many of the marijuana smokers in your delivery area may be legally using cannabis for medicinal purposes. But apparently Papa Johns pizza in Colorado doesnt care too much about its drivers violating the privacy of its customers who are medical marijuana patients.
However, we can do something about it. Let Papa Johns know that you dont appreciate them narcing out any marijuana consumers, but especially not legal medical marijuana patients. Papa Johns International address can be found here and you can find the number for your local store here. Maybe they didnt learn the lesson Kelloggs learned when they dumped Michael Phelps for his infamous bong photo: Dont mess with stoners and their munchies!
Please Tweet and Facebook with the hashtag #BoycottPapaJohns. Its already heating up the internet.
Papa Johns Pizza supports driver who reported medical marijuana patient to police
By "Radical" Russ Belville on October 4, 2011

You would think that pizza delivery companies would understand who their customers are and that a great number of them smoke marijuana. If youre a pizza delivery company in Colorado, youd understand that many of the marijuana smokers in your delivery area may be legally using cannabis for medicinal purposes. But apparently Papa Johns pizza in Colorado doesnt care too much about its drivers violating the privacy of its customers who are medical marijuana patients.
(9News) The man was smoking medical marijuana just before the pizza arrived on Friday evening. The delivery driver smelled the marijuana and called the cops. The Papa Johns employee, who was not identified, was concerned because the customers 9-year-old daughter was in the house.
Officers performed a child welfare check and left without filing any charges.
Papa Johns representatives and the delivery driver declined to speak on camera to 9NEWS. They did send the following statement:
Papa Johns of Colorado wants to stand behind the decision that this delivery driver made. He was acting as a concerned citizen and for what he believes was the best interests of our community.
The sad part is that the patient in the story has no recourse in court. Since Papa Johns employees arent specifically directed to narc out marijuana users to cops, he cant really sue Papa Johns for anything. And since marijuana is federally illegal, a citizen cant really be sued for reporting a crime to authorities.Officers performed a child welfare check and left without filing any charges.
Papa Johns representatives and the delivery driver declined to speak on camera to 9NEWS. They did send the following statement:
Papa Johns of Colorado wants to stand behind the decision that this delivery driver made. He was acting as a concerned citizen and for what he believes was the best interests of our community.
However, we can do something about it. Let Papa Johns know that you dont appreciate them narcing out any marijuana consumers, but especially not legal medical marijuana patients. Papa Johns International address can be found here and you can find the number for your local store here. Maybe they didnt learn the lesson Kelloggs learned when they dumped Michael Phelps for his infamous bong photo: Dont mess with stoners and their munchies!
Please Tweet and Facebook with the hashtag #BoycottPapaJohns. Its already heating up the internet.