Nice stuff stealthy genuinity stump and everyone else!!
Trimming my White Rhino...man this shit is crazy!! Makes me choke while I trim and it makes me sneeze as well. It came out airy as some other things did, I think as a result of the Drying conditions...oh well lesson learned.
Jig I use the PC to game as well. I too am not up to snuff for online playing in most games.
I decided to make a gaming pc instead of buying a console.....multi-functional gaming/internet/home theater hub etc....all in one chassis.
I usually pre-trim wet then finish when dry. It took so long to dry that it must have made it airier?Did you dry it then trim it?? I was going to do that with the SP but it's so frosty I didnt want to knock a bunch off once it dried.. I prefer trimming wet I guess. After a good cure I'm not convinced one of better than the other.
sorry about the Wha??? the pics look more than good enough to me.
lol Well it's definitely going to be a Holly Jolly something or other this year, that's for sure. Too bad I couldn't stick bows and garland on one of these girls and stick her in my window for the season. One year.Mean and green Duchie. All lovely specimins really. You are gonna be a happy chiefer soon lad. Or, just happier than what you are at the moment, lol.