Club 600

Well I reckon if you asked every single one of my mates if they would rather have there life here than in the UK, I think most of them would say here. But that doesn't mean here is better, just peoples perceptions and what they make of life.

There are definitely some places that are better to live than others, but that's generally down to economics, politics, and somebody fukking things over, lol....oh, and occassional places that have droughts.
I have used sunmasters, hortilux digilux, growbright and ultrasun (ultracheap). They all work well. The only failures I have had were a 600W Sunmaster MH conversion that didn't last more than 4 months and a Digilux 600 HPS that had a significant malfunction (capsule ruptured, molten sodium coating the inside of the outer sheath). So I think any bulb will do, just be sure to seat it firmly in the socket (major cause of early bulb failure being lack of so seating).

I've got a nice fresh ballast story for ya though. When I was working in my veg room a couple weeks ago I noticed one of my 600s was flickering just a little bit. Then it started flickering more. So I turned it off, let it cool down and switched in a brand new bulb. Turned on, warmed up. after ten minutes crazy ass flickering and a certain sound and the strong smell of ozone. I went straight to the breaker box and cut everything.

Shot an email to HTG supply, said I had 6 of their ballasts and some were under warranty and some are definitely out but damned if I know which are which and can they shoot me a deal on a replacement. They got back to me and told me to call Tony (love that guy). explained the problem, he looks at all the shit I've bought from him and says you are a valuable customer; what can we do? I said I wanted another ballast, but 1K this time and another big kahuna reflector and a few Sunmaster HPS bulbs as well. Just shoot me an invoice to my email and I'll paypal it.

Okay, this rig as specified at HTG is about $560 delivered to my door. The invoice I received totals $345 including shipping. I don't buy anything but lights there, but I wouldn't go anywhere else with that kind of service.

So now I'll be running two matching 1Ks in flower. I'm still vegging under 600 though guys ;)

whats the best 600w bulb?
Happiness is in our heads, not in the location we live in. If you're content with your life would it really matter where you live? I'm from philly originally and now I've been living in a town of thirty five hundred for over twenty years. I do miss some things about city life but wouldn't trade it for where I live now.

I need some new lamps and I'm going with those digital ones for fifty bucks on htg. I've used agromax and their htg supply lamps, I see no difference. It's the hertz difference between digital ballasts that run around 20k hertz and the not digital lamps that run at 60 hertz, that's what causes some lamps to burn out prematurely. I also want predominantly red light when flowering so with thirty percent more blue in hps lamps today, I'll use hps for flowering and t-5's for vegging. That's my two cents on the matter.

With almost two year old lamps from htg, their growbrights, the cheap ones you get with your order, I just pulled nineteen ounces from five plants.
Looks Chilly out there DST.

You should come visit ;)

Looks like I'm going to have to suffer through another eighty degree day tomorrow. On a happier note, my first generation lemon skunk bean is sprouting and should be seeing the world in the morning. Still waiting for the other herijuana to sprout.
Im here jus got woke up an hour ago by my daughter now shes back sleepin ffs, love that gurl to pieces lol>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:cheese wake n fingy
Been hangin my 600 :) getting everything dialed in, I was about to put up pics but it was giving me a hard time a few minutes ago. Server down I'm assuming?
what is wrong with this website? All day having problems!!

I havent been able to post or open pages most of the day.
U and me both! BTW off topic but I have a Bass in a 55 gal fish tank, keeping him over the winter and then letting him go when it warms up. He will eat anything haha.

I'm gonna try posting pics again right now!
U and me both! BTW off topic but I have a Bass in a 55 gal fish tank, keeping him over the winter and then letting him go when it warms up. He will eat anything haha.

I'm gonna try posting pics again right now!

Yeah, it was shut down all day yesterday (for me anyway). glad it's back up....I was jonesing for my 6hundy club. Have a great day Rollies!!!
U and me both! BTW off topic but I have a Bass in a 55 gal fish tank, keeping him over the winter and then letting him go when it warms up. He will eat anything haha.

I'm gonna try posting pics again right now!
Yea im having problems as well Sometime it loads sometimes it says its offline. Not sure

And on the Bulbs the HTG GROW BRIGHT 600 works very well. I bough 2 from HTG when i first started growing and a year later i just replaced the bulb a month or so ago
Hi every bod.

Looks like they have been doing maintenance, or the site has been down. Sometimes you can still log in to the site, but that's only cause they use a service that cache's certain pages, but then as soon as you try to post or go to a thread the actual server is not available, that's all. Looks like threads are back up and the 6 is in motion.

Been trimming and shmoking and making some erl. Last of my Pyscho Killer and some OG Kush I had archived went into the erl.

Pics in a bit if that works.

Peace, DST
Pretty funny the talk about where is better than where. Yesterday I was chatting with a girl from Jordan and mentioned that I was going to the UK soon. She said she wishes she could live in the UK or Europe because it is so much better than the US. Another guy heard us talking and said he wants to live in Qatar (don't know what that is about). Anyways, I'm not trying to say anyone is right or wrong I just think the idea that one place is better than another to live is a bit silly. It all really depends doesn't it. I'd rather live in a nice part of a bad place than a bad part of a nice place. There's people with shit lives that live in Beverly Hills and peeps that are happy as fuck living in the slums of Rio.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking you guys saying you'd rather live one place than another. I'm that way. I'd rather split time in Pennsylvania, London, and Lahore than live in Southern California where I'm at. But it is nice living close to family and being able to grow weed somewhat legally. Decisions decisions. It sure would make it easier if my family would follow me wherever I go, lol.

Thanks for the help bro, but this bulb and a cmh are completely different things.

As the saying goes, The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence i like to have a whinge about where i live but i'm still here, it's nice to visit other country's but at the end of the day there's no place like home wherever that may be