Club 600

Pretty funny....

I just had a neighbor come over that typically gets about 1oz a month from me. He asked me if I'd take a look at something so I went to his place and his son was there with a plant, LOL. They were asking my opinion it's health and wanted to know what to do with it since it has been growing outside up to now but he can't have it at his place anymore. They don't have any indoor equipment so it will die unless I agree to put it in with my plants so I told I'd think about taking it off their hands but if I do they'll have to trim it up and give me either some $ to cover costs of caring for it or some of the bud.

I really didn't like the fact that his son now knows I grow though, makes me uneasy.

I learned my lesson of bringing outdoor in with my indoor...the bugs I got.....!
Kids can be sketchy sometimes. Maybe let it slip that you have a live camera and alarm just to keep him from getting frisky. My neighbor suggested she would give me 50 bux and I could just grow the plants for her and then she will have free weed. I just laughed at her.

Anyone who knows about my setup is also shown my 4
I would've laughed too. His kid is probably early 20s I'd guess and looks sketchy to me. His dad is coming over later and I plan on telling him something but not sure what yet. I just don't want to ever come home and my shit is gone or something. I'd be pretty tempted to force the old man into a car and make him drive me to wherever he thinks his son is so I can fuck him up a bit. I'd rather not go to jail though and miss out on time with my kids so I need to tell him something that will give him the idea that I won't be fucking around if anything ever happens without pissing him off. He's a really nice older dude and we like to kick it in each other's garages, drink, smoke and play darts.

Dont act like his son would do it, but maybe tell him that you hope his son doesnt tell any of his friends, and then say what you would do to the kids friend if something were to come up missing....?
I would've laughed too. His kid is probably early 20s I'd guess and looks sketchy to me. His dad is coming over later and I plan on telling him something but not sure what yet. I just don't want to ever come home and my shit is gone or something. I'd be pretty tempted to force the old man into a car and make him drive me to wherever he thinks his son is so I can fuck him up a bit. I'd rather not go to jail though and miss out on time with my kids so I need to tell him something that will give him the idea that I won't be fucking around if anything ever happens without pissing him off. He's a really nice older dude and we like to kick it in each other's garages, drink, smoke and play darts.

Explain how you enjoy his company, and your grow is important and is under video survailance and if there is ever a problem then you won't hesitate to press charges.

I acquired spidermites by bring in someone else's strain without isolating and spraying first. That could always be a reason not to bring in someone else's plant.

Thanks for the ideas guys, it is always appreciated. I was planning on spraying it down with azamax a couple of times before it went in my tent, if I agree to take it. Probably put it under the LED lights in the attic or something for the first week just to be sure?
Thanks for the ideas guys, it is always appreciated. I was planning on spraying it down with azamax a couple of times before it went in my tent, if I agree to take it. Probably put it under the LED lights in the attic or something for the first week just to be sure?

So long as it doesnt affect your grow. Doing favors is nice unless it bites you in the ass.

Dont get me wrong, I am not a snob, just been a nice guy too much and been taken advantage of a bunch.
Hey fellaz i was curious what u all had on an actual powdery mildew cure not a remedy but an actual cure. Ive inherited some cuts and was told straight up that they had pm so ive had them in quarantine till i figure what im going to do. I know if i can cure it good possibility it wont come back as its not an issue in my parts so figured id ask here if i cant cure it ima have to cull the plants im just not ready to do that yet but at the same time aint ready to take the risk of infecting my grow either so i may not have a choice..
Well any input would be apprechiated thanks fellas

I think a H2o2 dunk might work but ask BC99, i think he just did a h2o2 dunk with some plants.
Is it worth taking the strain?

I have no interest in the strain. It would be a favor to him and his son and that's about it. It supposedly is Hindu Kush and it's pretty scraggly lookin with tiny buds and what not but some pistils are already turning so I'm thinking it's farther along than they think. May not be much coming off her.

So long as it doesnt affect your grow. Doing favors is nice unless it bites you in the ass.

Dont get me wrong, I am not a snob, just been a nice guy too much and been taken advantage of a bunch.

I seem to have been taken advantage of a lot too so I try to be more selective these days on who I help and with what. My wife used to tell me I offered my help to people way to often so I don't offer nearly as much I used to.
Does anyone use a 1000w to 2-600w splitter? It's made by sunpulse and on the packaging it says it will only work with sunpulse bulbs (of course, lol). I just bought one and the dude at the hydro store told me to use MH bulbs with it becuase they will fire up. But then I looked at the packaging and it clearly states it's for HPS ballasts (S52). Maybe I'm missing something here... anyone have any ideas? We'll find out what works sooner or later.

Went to the doc's as well to get my med card. Paid a little extra to get a growers license. This one says: ...written permission by the physician to cultivate and possess marijuana (not to exceed 99 plants and 6 pounds of dried flowers) for personal use and for the use of a patient under his/her care... Now I'm going to have to build a bigger room to make use of this license. Always helps to throw some money in the pot, makes something to play for.

I want one of those tents. Don't have anywhere to put it, but fuck it... i'll build something, lol.

Jeez dez... it's always quickly to beating the shit out of someone. I'd just slip the bit bout the cameras, and maybe a story or two about you taking some people down in the past. Tell em you spent a lot of time in jail. If you make yourself look like a badass, you won't actually have to be one.

Still, that's not cool that some kid knows what's up.

@DL. I don't think there is a cure for PM. It's like AIDS, lol. You can keep it in check, but it's always going to be in the plant. At least that's what I understand, haven't done any biological studies on it.
I wouldn't take the plant. I'd just tell him to kill it. You can tell him to order some seeds and have you grow one out for him in return for a little money/ smoke. But I don't see what good there is in taking his little plant, giving up space in your grow, risking pests and disease, all so your bro can get an ounce of possibly crappy bud? I would do him a favor for sure... just not that favor.
C'mon Jig, I thought you knew me better than that. I said I'd be tempted to do that but most likely wouldn't go through with it. Maybe 10 years ago but not now that I'm married with kids that I love hanging with.

Wife and kids has been very good for me and my short fuse, lol.
Serenade and real good environment control will cure PM! But you have to isolate the plants with PM! A plant can be infected with PM for up to a week before showing any signs! Wash your tent,grow room or what ever with bleach and water 5% bleach to 95% water.
Also you can wash your plants with water and anti-bacterial dish soap.

I never done a h2o2 dunk before but thats why I was saying to ask BC he has done it.

@Dez, I could have the worse day ever but when I see my kids it all goes away!!!!


I'm really thinking that IF I take it, I'll stick in the attic with the LED lights. Still undecided though on whether or not I'll even let it in my house.
I hear ya BKB, I'm the same way. Seeing the kiddos is the best part of my day, every day.

Jig has met my kids so he knows how crazy they are and I wouldn't have them be any other way. They keep everyone entertained all the time and don't stop until they're in bed and then they crash hard. Freaking awesome.
That's what's so funny dez. You seem like the most laid back, chill guy I know. I seriously can't even imagine you mad.

EDIT: And yeah, your kids are great. Non stop excitement for sure. And they get along so well too. Good work.
I'm really thinking that IF I take it, I'll stick in the attic with the LED lights. Still undecided though on whether or not I'll even let it in my house.

Dez... it's outdoor bro... leave it outdoors. explain that you are taking too big a risk to take it indoors... think of all the pests and disease you may bring in with it. it looks bad anyways... don't do it.
Dez... it's outdoor bro... leave it outdoors. explain that you are taking too big a risk to take it indoors... think of all the pests and disease you may bring in with it. it looks bad anyways... don't do it.

Yeah I think you're post was the nail in the coffin for their plant, LOL. I read it and he came to the door shortly after so I told him I just didn't see the plant being worth the risk to my garden. I also asked him to please hammer into his kid that he is to tell nobody about me or there's a chance I could be taken from my children and that wouldn't be fair to them. He assured me that it will not leave his house so hopefully his son respects his father enough to listen to him.
So about the splitter. I think I made a bad purchase. I'm pretty bummed. Guess I'll find out if I can return it and see if I can untrade away my 1000w bulb, lol.
That's what's so funny dez. You seem like the most laid back, chill guy I know. I seriously can't even imagine you mad.

EDIT: And yeah, your kids are great. Non stop excitement for sure. And they get along so well too. Good work.

I still get pretty pissed sometimes but my loverly wife has a knack for calming me down and since I don't hold a grudge, that's all I need.

Thanks for the nice words bro, you are the most laid back I know, lol.