Club 600


Well-Known Member
Step 1: Inform wifey you are working on a surprise.

Step 2: Gather materials to make TWO rooms.

Step 3: Construct the grow room, and use an adjoining wall to build another room.

Step 4: In the second room, hang dry wall and throw a couple 120v plugs in.

Step 5: Show wifey HER new room right next to yours!

Step 6: Tell wifey,"I built this for you so we could be closer while we spend time on our hobbies"

Step 7: Enjoy what happens next!

lmao!! Something tells me there wouldn't be much enjoyment after taking up half of the garage, leaving the other half to store our crap so that she couldn't park in there anymore. I think it would end with me trying to put a bed in that second room so I have a place other than my couch to sleep, lol.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I are already planning for such a room, and I'm going willingly. A bed is already the plan for the man cave. We've been together long enough to know that we don't have to be forced to sleep together to show we love each other. Why should she tolerate my snoring anymore and frankly, there's times I wish I could kick her out too. So my future man cave will consist of my grow area/audio and photo studio/IT/multimedia and bedroom, all under strict lock and key. That second room to myself would be a gift to my wife, in her eyes. lol

By the way, sorry your laid up with back pain. Hope is eases up on you soon. Is it skeletal or pulled muscle?

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Jig, you can't find it on toke and talk cause I posted it in politics. Someone must have given you bad info on where it's located. I say hang the bum high for his error.

Edit...the thread is called 'the state of the GOP'.


Well-Known Member
And, Heads Up, your thread has already degenerated into the usual child screaming match (I threw a few rocks, I admit :D)


Well-Known Member
Speaking of throwing rocks I guess some people really take offense to someone (me) spitting on their car as they are in it. Had a fun little evasion.

Im rooting for the gmen for u bkb. And against the niners for u whodat.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of throwing rocks I guess some people really take offense to someone (me) spitting on their car as they are in it. Had a fun little evasion.

Im rooting for the gmen for u bkb. And against the niners for u whodat.
The wait is driving me nuts.....Thanks jig!!! Go G-MEN!!!


Well-Known Member
Speaking of throwing rocks I guess some people really take offense to someone (me) spitting on their car as they are in it. Had a fun little evasion.

Im rooting for the gmen for u bkb. And against the niners for u whodat.
I did that once, and almost got chased all the way home.

Dumbasses almost followed me to my front step, would have been a rude awakening for them, lol.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I are already planning for such a room, and I'm going willingly. A bed is already the plan for the man cave. We've been together long enough to know that we don't have to be forced to sleep together to show we love each other. Why should she tolerate my snoring anymore and frankly, there's times I wish I could kick her out too. So my future man cave will consist of my grow area/audio and photo studio/IT/multimedia and bedroom, all under strict lock and key. That second room to myself would be a gift to my wife, in her eyes. lol

By the way, sorry your laid up with back pain. Hope is eases up on you soon. Is it skeletal or pulled muscle?
Thank you.
Most of my back trouobles are in my spine but I do have bouts of muscle spasms too, just not today. It's my Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Arthritis that's acting up.


Well-Known Member
Thank you.
Most of my back trouobles are in my spine but I do have bouts of muscle spasms too, just not today. It's my Degenerative Disc Disease and Spinal Arthritis that's acting up.
I feel your pain brutha. I am starting to see more and more guys our age with back problems.. I am attributing it to the wear and tear of MX riding i think. Years of riding on hardpack with a shitty suspension has fukked my back up, plus the football, car accidents, and lifting shit that is too heavy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's becoming more common for sure and mine is mostly from riding dirtbikes as long as I did. Skating and BMX as a youngster didn't help either but I'm pretty sure it's mostly from MX.

I'm pretty high right now and plan to stay this way until bed time tonight.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Im gonna be high all night too Dez, but more for pleasure, and less for pain management. Hasnt been enough snow this year for me to break something. I was planning on going pro (snowboard) this winter but so much for that. :lol:

Jig did you evade them in the obama mobile?;-) I had a guy chase me down when my friend flipped him off, I would probably be dead and buried in the desert if he had spit on him. I was driving my Fiero and had my girlfriend sitting on my friends lap in the passanger seat. The Fiero is a 2 seater, and my girl wasnt even supposed to be riding in the car (her parents knew i was a speed demon). I blew through a few red lights when I realized we were being chased (still didnt know why this guy was chasing us) and ended up in the ritzy neighborhood my girlfriend lived in. We spent a bout 5 minutes racing around trying to ditch this guy. I thought I had lost him and I drove onto a side street and turned off my lights. This guy comes up from behind without me knowing it, and turns on his lights right when he on my ass. We raced around full throttle until my brakes became gum. I ended up stopping 20 yards from my girls front door, and this guy pulls up next to me and starts screaming some shit about "Dream Homes" which is a gang in the area. He tells my girl not to get out of the car, so she does and runs scraming into her house (parents arent home yet). He goes around to the passenger side and starts yelling at my friend, then he yells at me for being friends with him. He throws a punch threw the passange window (window was rolled down) and knocks my friend out cold. I look in his car and see a kid around 12 years old who looks freaked out. The guy gets back into his car still screaming about putting us in holes in the desert, and leaves. I check on my buddy and he is bleeding allllllll over my center console, and he pissed his pants.:lol: Then out of nowhere the guy comes back, and im thinking he is going to kill us for sure. Turns out he dropped his pager in the road and came back for it. Craziest driving experience Ive ever had. He was driving a mazda sports car, some 4 door model though. His car whooped on my Fiero.


Well-Known Member
That 32 yard attempt it possible to miss that close kick??

Looks like it will be Patriots at 49ers

edit....guess I was wrong!!


Well-Known Member
I'm fucking sick at that game. Between that missed kick and the fucker dropping the ball in the end zone. That guy will NEVER live that down. You're in the super bowl over the patriots if you just keep the ball you already caught. Dumb ass.

I've never had that scary of a chase. I scared the shit outa someone though. This dude was driving like a shit behind me and I slowed down a bit on a one lane road. A right turn lane opened up and the dude came up aside me, I flip him off and this dude shines a super power flashlight in my eyes, then tries to run me into oncoming traffic. Let's just say I was not happy. It was on. This is when I was still drinking and being out of control. I chased him, honking and flashing my lights the entire time. I wasn't worried becuase he was the one who did something. So I just followed him till he got somewhere. He pulled into a police station, so I just followed him right in. He was scared looking. I was calm. I walked in the front doors (and I think it was 11:30 on a weeknight) and he's behind the counter with a wild face explaining what I was doing to his poor innocent self (lol). The police took me into another room and they knew what was up. They could see on my face it wasn't me who was in the wrong.

It was fucking cool to go into a police station, tell them, "yeah, I was just going 65 miles an hour through neighborhoods flahsing my lights honking, chasing a guy because he was a threat to the road." and have them tell me, "next time just give us a call and let us handle". I said, "Ok, no problem, thanks officer." And off I went. They let him go first to get away of course, hahaha.

Another time when I was in high school three giant guys in a pickup were chasing me yelling "Pull over and we're gonna kick your ass". Did they really think I was gonna pull over?

EDIT: I've gotten over my anger issues for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Quick gender update:

One more female has been identified: a Red Dragon is showing quite a few female pre-flowers!

So that makes 4 females so far: 2@ C4/Caseyband, 1@ JDB's Romulan, and 1@ Red Dragon.
The others will be showing any time now (if they show at all), but it's all going into 12/12 tomorrow.
Not even going to pull the smaller ones out as they are now the right size and showing their first set of single alternating branches.
So it's officially time!
Tonight I seal up any light leaks I might have added when I re-routed power cords, then reset the timer to go from 18 hours of light, down to 12 hours.
Let the blooming.... begin!!!