Club 600

complete :) :leaf:FlowaMasta

cheers DST

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I've wrapped my plants in tin foil all except for the growing tips. Will that protect them from light sources not coming from directly overhead?

What next?
Well done Flow, no matter what, it's such a good feeling having the fruits of your own labour.

thanx man, i'm glad. From what i've sampled, she'll be fine for me and my Mrs, plus i got over lb in fresh frozen trim for bubblebags :) so it doesn't matter at all ;)
Flori-duh is warm and sunny in my parts, highs in the upper eighties heading towards ninety plus next week.

Edit. Ugh.
Well we have a high of 11 degrees today, with it going up to a whopping 13 in the next couple, only to drop again and be overcast for the weekend, lol.

Fukkin Noord Europa kut weer!
Week 4 of flower in the DOG cab. Some pics.








oh no, the lights getting to the bottom of my leaves and causing them to frost up:shock: Should I hit them with some Pesticide? Or go for the Foil tie ups? lol

OM-fukkin-G, Dad ust stuck us in a bag with a bunch of bricks and is heading off to the bridge....what have we done. Death and Destruction in the kennel. some dogs just can't fukkin cut it.

And then there are those who......


Regular DOG from seed.


Sista sista sista, the DOG's Momma's sister (lol). OG Kush from seed, the last of the seeds that I had.


I want to do nasty things to this plant (nice nasty things though, lol)


It's got real chubby stigmas!

More from the DOG reg from seed.



And just to brighten up the day even more...some more tulip shots:)

Peace and kush to all,

Home made compost, a good nute with lots of Mg, and stuff my bru.

edit: oh, and nice plants with some good genetics always helps.
compost? so u grow in soil then, not a coco man?
intersting fella. am into me organics. u feed dailey or 3rd feed just a plain watering?
this mycorrhizae? wot is it? never heard off it?
I use coco, but add my compost to it. I recycle everything I use. After a grow, the pot is either re-used as it is (without removing the previous coco/roots) Or I break it down, release the coco and compost the main root ball. Depends on the situation.
I feed/water every 3rd day. Every 3rd time I just water.
Mycorrhiza is basically a fungus that works with the roots of a plant in a symbiotic relationship. The fungus breeds from carbon matter given off by the roots and in return the fungus delivers nutrients and enables the root structure to grow in a way it wouldn't normally. Giving it a larger amount of root branching which then enables it to deal with bugs, temperature changes, water problems, etc, etc. Check it on google.
I add mycorrhizae to my compost heap before I use the compost for my plants. If you get it right you will have roots growing out the top of your pot they go that ballistic. I've got pics somewhere...
man that is something i never heard off before. will google it chears fella.
haha i thought was a micro nute so i pulled out all my biobizz products and searched the label with no joy haha, now i no y.
i throw all my plant roots and soil/perlight in for composting. now will perlight b ok in compost bin? i no it wont break down but was thinking it b ok in the fruit and veg pots in fw months wen all roots broke down abit. is there any chemical u can use to speed up composting? or as i not into chems is a a quicker natural way? i got overflowing compo bin haha, went to check it other day and had potatos growing through the top hahah
Got a 600 bulb today. Decided that since the 1k ballast burnt out in 3 days (it was an old ballast, and i think its the ignitor capacitor), and it could be more than just the one part that is wrong with it (10+ yr old ballast) that I am just gonna run the 600 in my flower chamber. went out, got the bulb... plugged it in... and ka-pow... my 12/12 flower chamber is 100% complete. The 4 mothers have made it into the chamber... and lights are out. day 1 in 12/12 starts today.

I will have a few clones goin in the chamber in a few days... fill out the rest of the space with a couple smaller plants...

hmmm... off to play.
Here you go. These were grown bio organic. Compost and water with mycorrhizae.


Roots that grow everywhere......even out the top of the pot, lol






Dried dog food is good, and mycorrhizae will also help. Canna do something as well.

Or, if you mix a couple of shovels of soil, with an unpasteurised bottle of beer, some water, leave it overnight-24 hours, then add this to the compost. This will help break everything down for ya.

man that is something i never heard off before. will google it chears fella.
haha i thought was a micro nute so i pulled out all my biobizz products and searched the label with no joy haha, now i no y.
i throw all my plant roots and soil/perlight in for composting. now will perlight b ok in compost bin? i no it wont break down but was thinking it b ok in the fruit and veg pots in fw months wen all roots broke down abit. is there any chemical u can use to speed up composting? or as i not into chems is a a quicker natural way? i got overflowing compo bin haha, went to check it other day and had potatos growing through the top hahah
cool. looks good man. so do u give it any bottled nutes at same time yeah? wot nutes range u use or is it all teas and natural nute u do yaself????
that green house is something else man. haha trying pop the roof off ent them plants haha.