Club 600


*there are other here in the 600 who have WAY more experience with it than I do, so they should be chiming in pretty soon

The guy looks like he only used one particular micron-gauged bag, so more can be processed with other bags.

**also, he wrote that he used 3.5-oz of sugarleaves & larf buds to get that pile of keef
Heh, heh... no worries D!
I'm not afraid of too many things in life, but getting chomped on by a shark is one of them.
Got "bumped" a few times while bodysurfing off Long Beach, California when I was 13, and that's as close as I ever want to get to a shark that's not in an aquarium, or on the television screen.

Read the book "Jaws" about 13 times as a kid, so I don't maliciously hate sharks, I think they're quite beautiful and amazing, but I don't like being an option for their dinner.
I am a Jaws child too, but I have nothing but respect for the creature.....and they got it wrong in Jaws, when a shark is coming on the surface for you there are two fins, not one. The tail also sticks out:)

I got an underwater pic from South Africa, 3m great white (i've posted the pic before.) Taken from a cage though, lol.

Heh, heh... no worries D!
I'm not afraid of too many things in life, but getting chomped on by a shark is one of them.
Got "bumped" a few times while bodysurfing off Long Beach, California when I was 13, and that's as close as I ever want to get to a shark that's not in an aquarium, or on the television screen.

Read the book "Jaws" about 13 times as a kid, so I don't maliciously hate sharks, I think they're quite beautiful and amazing, but I don't like being an option for their dinner.
Glad to have you back doob. Been missing you.

I helped my friend with the big room again tonight. He set things up with 6" tubes making 3 horseshoes in the room. He's going to run 4 1000s and 2 600s. Should be real nice. I'll get pictures sometime. While I was there he showed me a couple knots for fishing. My buddys bachelor party is this weekend and we are going to stay in a big house on a lake. Then white water rafting on saturday. I'm going to be the fishing expert for the weekend, so I had to learn how to put a hook on the line, lol. I got it down now though. Still slow.

Oh, and I smoked some of the herb my buddy grew in the giant screen i set up. Not bad at all... not the best but got me nice and high. Pretty up high. XXX Og it is supposed to be.

What's up with billcollector?
BC ain't got internet at home I don't think. He posted a couple days back from his work to say hello!

Sheeps Bend? Round Turn two half hitches?