Club 600


Well-Known Member
I can't remember what my cholesterol was but it was good exept for the bad cholesterol was just a little high so my doc told me to eat fish oil or flaxseed oil, whichever I'd prefer.. I always forget to take the shit tho


Well-Known Member
I need to find some flaxseed oil capsules to help with my finger joint problems (no relation to finger hash).
The wife uses flaxseed oil as a daily supplement (even though she's a vegetarian-almost-vegan), but says it tastes like shite, so I'm too chicken to use it in it's free-flowing form.
My mom uses flaxseed oil for her arthritis and pain from a broken shoulder & broken hip from several years back, and swears by the stuff, too.


Well-Known Member
Just found out from the wife that she already has some flax seed oil capsules (as well as the non-encapsulated oil), so I'll be trying some starting today.
Hope it helps, 'cause not playing my bass SUCKS!
Still waiting on the rheumatology clinic to accept me as a new patient (paperwork & recommendation from my physician was sent last week, so will take time to get approved at the clinic).
Been telling my docs for a few years that my hands & fingers have been hurting more & more, and it's not getting better on it's own.
Not even sure yet if it is arthritis-related, or if it's something else going wrong, but sure do hope something can be done to help it.


Well-Known Member
In other news:

I have a clone of my female MTF plant ready for up-canning today, and will be training her to be a mother plant for future MTF chillins.
Then will be taking a few clones of the JDB Romulan female and selecting one of those to be the new JDB Romulan mother plant.
And will be adding my Extrema seedlings to the flowering closet to enjoy 12/12 photoperiods until they show gender so I can cull the males and select a badass female to be my Extrema mother plant.
It all comes to plan...

... bwahahaha!!! (*which is, incidentally, now in the Oxford English Dictionary)
Now is time for to kill moose and squirrel!


Well-Known Member
I think they are, but you'd have to ask Curious Old Fart to know for sure.
Who ever bred them did a great job, though: very vigorous growers, and the samples I smoked were very potent.
Did wonders for counteracting the effects of chemo, so am really stoked to grow them out and get to puffin'.


Well-Known Member
Have a good time down there. Like G said stay safe. We want to see more pics of the farm sometime. Lol... you going to the republican convention?


Well-Known Member
I just trimmed up the Dog mother and stuck a few of the cuttings in rapid rooters. Put a dozen seeds of Blue Wonder in the RR plugs too so I can see what they grow up to be.
The Dog clones I had in the dome are now sitting in the veg tent waiting for their new home to be ready in the flower room. They are all showing some gnarly looking roots so I have high hopes for them.


Well-Known Member
Well Monday was my birthday:dunce: big 35!lol, my neighbor said ''I'm still a puppy'' I just said yup, as we drank are beers in my garage.

I haven't got the other 600w up.Just been to hot in my garage''need a tent in there with ac setup''

So been putting some clones under my 600w jdl in flower room, then move them back to where my veg clones are everyday.I should of did that before
Happy b day dam think ime the young one here out of the 600


Well-Known Member
How many years you got madness? I think I'm about in the middle of all you guys at 33. I would guess 33-35 to be average for all us. Seems like there are a bunch of you around 25-27, then another bunch around 38-40, then another group we'll call the learned ones. ;)