Club 600


Well-Known Member
What up 6.

I had the honor of meeting Don Gin And Ton yesterday.
We spent a few hours smoking and going thru my garden
First class person. I look forward to seeing him again. Maybe at the Cup with

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Likewise an honour to meet you finally brother 6er! I am super envious of op and you in general. Living the dream just about covers it ;) . See you in november hopefully.

4000 mile journey home today. Quick pitstop in my garden and off to the football. The gf's already moaning :lol:

@DST sweet veggie haul mate, ganj looks all gravy too!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Just stopping in to say what's up. Nice pics D!! You get a shit ton of veggies off ur garden. I guess I fall into the very young ae group, as I am only 23. It's funny how all of us are different ages but we all get along so good. Only in the 600!!! STAY HIGH!!!


Well-Known Member
Pics from the cab.

Cheese exo,


Deep Blues (more pics in my thread)

Mmm, it's dark in there.

Not so dark

Rooftop. (more pics in my thread)

Roasting toms.....

Some veg


So im going to need you to send me an invitation along with a plane ticket. :D I want some damn it Nice as always D

What up 6.
I had the honor of meeting Don Gin And Ton yesterday.
We spent a few hours smoking and going thru my garden
First class person. I look forward to seeing him again. Maybe at the Cup with

F U ALL WITH A PASSION i wanna go :( we should have a 600 meet at one of the cups :D

mr west

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah Ill be there but the princess and her mini me will be staying at home to look after the house and cuz we cant afford for alll three of us to go what with hattie needing her own passport now. Im getting quite excited now lol.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
How you weathering the storm cof? Good luck to you guys along the gulf coast.

And, I do believe the extrema is a sannie bean.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
How you weathering the storm cof? Good luck to you guys along the gulf coast.

And, I do believe the extrema is a sannie bean.
I'm a little north of where he's landed and we are just beginning to feel the effects...fairly mild at this point. It's the coastal areas that are being pounded.
The extrema that I have was acquired from sannie about three years ago and is the only constant sannie gear in the garden, everything else is Breeders Boutique, club 600 or original creations at this time. I'm really satisfied with a heri-jake blue/livers that has a juicy fruit smell and a knock you down high that has my current attention. I wanted to let some friends have a taste, but I haven't been able to let go of any...maybe next time......they might be available thru Breeders Boutique shortly.



Well-Known Member
Nice looking shtuff, F.M.I.LY.!!
I'm hoping I can keep my perpetual actually perpetual this time so I can collect enough to run some more ISO.
Always amazes me how much tokey goodness is in the trimmings & sugar leaves.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking shtuff, F.M.I.LY.!!
I'm hoping I can keep my perpetual actually perpetual this time so I can collect enough to run some more ISO.
Always amazes me how much tokey goodness is in the trimmings & sugar leaves.
To me Doob, the sugar leaves are like Thanksgiving scrappings, oh so good!

Thanks bro!



Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I love you guys so much. Life is pretty amazing and I'm glad I get to share it with you all even if only a little bit.

Props out to college radio for turning me onto this song.


Sup Sixerz, hope all is well in the club! I made some BHO and whipped it up this time for 2 hours straight with a wire and it came out different then I am used too..Its a lot of work whipping it but came out nice and potent!
You busy tomorrow? I wanna smoke some of that.


Well-Known Member
Over the last two days I have smoked only 2 joints, haha. When I got back Tuesday I rolled a number, had a bong and then had about 6 tokes of the joint, was freakin spangled for hours. Then determined to finish the joint went back for some more only to get about half way....I thought, you are stoned enough already, my eyes were on fire, haha. So yesterday I managed to finish the first joint when I went out for a few beers, which turned into a few more beers, and 1 more joint and a bongo....cycling home at break neck speed I remembered how much fun it was to be stoned. It's good when you get so high! I can already feel my tollerance building up though...such is life.


Well-Known Member
It's been since mid-June since I inhaled the fragrant burnings of the blessed ganja.
I'll snip a few (very) early buds so I'll have a few bowls for my birthday, but the plants will only be 34 days into flowering, so I'm not expecting any kind of awesomeness, but my system is totally clear of THC, so even immature larf should kick me in the pants fairly well.
My two consolations are:

#1- sitting here in my computer/music/art/grow room I get a spicy whiff of the plants in flower, mixed with the 13 seedlings, everytime I breathe in, and I know it's going to rock my little world after it's harvested, dried & cured.

#2- I get an eyefull of great bud pR0n to look at several times a day from you guys here in the 600 to remind me of how good it will be in another 90 days.

I'm going to have to be careful about how much I toke when I start back up, because I know it's going to knock me for a loop or two until I get my ganja legs back under me.
I can hardly wait!


Well-Known Member
Mid June, that's nae good Doob. A 10 day detox for me was fantastic. Would highly recommend it to anyone who can manage it....although I was generally drinking till the wee hours on most nights:)


Well-Known Member
For me, drinking went hand & hand with toking (whiskey & beer was a great way to take the edge off of cotton mouth).
But when I didn't have herb, I sure drank a LOT more to make up for it. ;-)
Those were the days... :-)


Well-Known Member
Pics from Croatia or as the locals say, Hrvatska.

Sunrise on the flotilla

What's known as the porno bed...

Our cabin, not much pr0n happening in there, could hardly move, lol.

the sea was lovely.

As where the sunsets.

A Croatian bagpiper, he told me they have at least 10 different types of bagpipes in Croatia.

Lamb Peka, a traditional Croatian dish that is cooked with a bell over the pot, with charcoals used to surround the bell. It's like a braised bit of meat with vegetables underneath. We had to order it 3 hours before we went for the meal.

Our wee bit of luxury in the sun

The walls of Diocletians Palace, from 239AD.

Now we know where the makers of ET got the finger from!!!

Funny faces watching you as you entered.


A romantic dinner for me and Mrs DST as the sun goes down

And something whacky done in Croatia (not me of course, lol)

Peace, DST