Club 600

They look sad. I wish I could take those kids but I'm still trying to convince wifey to let me take in my older brother's Mastiff. He's actually my Niece's dog and she's worried he'll be neglected if my brother goes off the deep end again. She's living with my mom now and my mom already has two Boxers in a small place so that's not an option.

You know the original owners or something?
I live in 10 minutes from San Bernardino but am full up of critters. I showed the wife their pic and she asked "Can we have them?"
Critters, haha.

I am sure if you guys took them they'd have a great home, but holy moly, you have got a lot of critters from the pics i have seen:)
Too many bru. Trying to send half of em away. If you live in california and want a black cat (or orange, or brown) we got you covered. Let me know. They are all well behaved and really nice.

The skunks and racoons have been having a field day lately. Luckily the bear hasn't been around for a couple weeks now. Was nice, a friend of mine from the UK was visiting our place just for the afternoon... luckily enough he got to see the bear. His 4 year old wasn't too excited, he was afraid he'd get eaten.

On a totally different subject, video games brought me to do something in real life. I have been playing Skate 2 lately and got the itch to bust out my old board. So yesterday for the first time in maybe 10 years I got on my skateboard. It was a lot of fun. I didn't fall, and was even able to land a 6" ollie. Not bad for an old guy lol. My wife got a kick out of seeing it. Said she could picture me as a teenager. I can't believe my board is over 17 years old. FFS!
Haha, bet you had fun and some good laughs jig. be careful out there.

as far as the dogs they look sad, reminds of this commercial i used to see on animal planet all the time. If i was in the area i'd foster them for sure.
They look sad. I wish I could take those kids but I'm still trying to convince wifey to let me take in my older brother's Mastiff. He's actually my Niece's dog and she's worried he'll be neglected if my brother goes off the deep end again. She's living with my mom now and my mom already has two Boxers in a small place so that's not an option.

You know the original owners or something?
Nope. Just part of a facebook group and I thought seeing that I know a few people down that way I'd pass it on through here. It's an actual god rescue where they are.

My counsel called today with a second offer from opposing counsel. They just hit my bottom line (not that I told my lawyer that), which is what I need to go back to school with and try to reinvent myself. I'd just like a little more so I can treat my wife and daughter to something nice for tolerating me all this time so I think I'll be jumping on the next one that comes down the pipe. I've had enough. Time to end this thing. Insurance companies are pure evil.
Good luck Duchie.

I can't stand seeing animals in cages so I sent the info to my wife and she's passing it around to pet people she knows
Good luck Duchie.

I can't stand seeing animals in cages so I sent the info to my wife and she's passing it around to pet people she knows
Thanks Dez....I just checked the sight to get contact info for you and they've updated it that they've found them a home, so all's good. Gotta love the internet. Remember what the old cops used to say about crooks not being faster than a two way radio? lol And that reminds me of an article I read the other day about how different it might be today if there was twitter and facebook back during 911. All the additional pieces to the puzzle, as horrifying as they may be. Anyway, good news for the doggies, and I know you guys are happy to hear that because we all know how much we love our Dogs around here. Thanks guys.
It seems my plans for my hydro systems will be on hold for a while, maybe indefinitely. There's a pretty big snag I've run into while getting things in order. I can't really share any info right now other than that but it's something that's heavy on my mind today.

I met someone that sounds interested in helping me give the vertical mover a go though that has some capitol to put up. I have known him for some time but didn't know he was into this stuff until a mutual friend kind of put me on the spot in front of him. I'm just afraid to show anyone before having any patents or at least a copyright to protect me from theft. All he knows is that our mutual friend has seen it and I've given him the basic idea behind it's operation. I told him I won't go any further at this point and will sit on it until I can afford getting a patent of my own or will consider a joint patent with him if he puts up the money. I talked to a guy I know who is a self made multi-million dollar businessman. He said he'd hook me up with the right attorneys if I need a contract written up to cover myself if the other guy and I do end up going together on this. I wish I knew what everything would cost me because it all seems a little overwhelming.
That sounds pretty exciting. Hope that works out well for you Dez.

I want to ask you car guys out there what your thoughts on VW's are. Particularly the Inline 2.5's. I'm scoping out small 4 cylinder sedans or hatchbacks and I'm seeing some pretty good deals on them. Any thoughts?
Personally, I don't think I'd ever own a VW. Why? not really sure. Seems like parts aren't as easy to get as JP or US cars. I think german engeneers do expensive cars really really well. If I was spending $60k+ I'd get either an MB or BMW, but for cheaper cars I don't think you can beat Honda or Toyota. There's a reason they sell the most cars... they are good.

Sorry too take the wind out yer sails (if I did).
i only use cars as a mode of transportation, its not a hobby of mine, neither is collecting animals, as cool as it sounds to have a bear. i have always wanted a baby snow white panther, just because that would be super badass. my hobby is growing copious amounts of ganjaaaaaaa
No, no. Not at all. I was thinking along the same lines but wondered if things had changed in the past decade with more in the market. I was looking at Honda's and Toyota's too. Mostly the Honda's.
i only use cars as a mode of transportation, its not a hobby of mine, neither is collecting animals, as cool as it sounds to have a bear. i have always wanted a baby snow white panther, just because that would be super badass. my hobby is growing copious amounts of ganjaaaaaaa

I was into cars before I even smoked herb... these days I'm much more into my wife, animals and plants. I will always have a passion for powerful toys and cool electronics, but they are both so expensive. Much more rewarding to have hobbies you fuel with love instead of money. Well, I guess it still takes some money for those hobbies too, but not as much.

Does anyone here have Sonos?
Cars don't turn my crank either. Use to sell GM's and they loose their appeal real quick. I'm trying to take opportunity of a low mileage lease back that's flooded the market, such as the Taurus I have now. I bought that thing with 35,000 kms on it for half the price. Again, small and practical to get me to school, and around is all I'm looking for. I live rural so I'm pretty stuck with only the one car that the wife uses.

Hang tight while I google Sonos. lol

Edit. Oh yeah, I remember you asking about those before
Don't know if you read but our little Chevy aka Daewoo just got 200k miles.

Sonos is about the coolest thing ever (if you like streaming media).

EDIT: Nice pun.