Club 600

Just ran into fungus gnats and had to research solutions on getting rid of them and the suggestion of beneficial nematodes came up. I just did some reading on these things and they're apparently effective against over 200 different types of pests and they're safe as can be.

I started wondering if any of you other fellas used these things? Found a container of them for $20 more expensive than the bug juice I wound up buying a few days ago. I'm planning to use them on my next grow for sure.
Some more tunes bongsmilie


This whole album is pretty good, check it out if you like.... "from the corner to the block"
Was curious about the effects of EDTA on nematodes and was reading a research article and got a good laugh:

Effects of Cd, Cr, Se and Zn at a maximum rate of 270 mg kg1 were studied on a nematode assemblage after 6/10 years of application. Winter wheat, sunflower, sorrel, barley and rape were grown on the experimental field. Cd had a moderate effect on nematodes in spite of the fact that this element significantly decreased plant biomass. Cr was harmful to plants only in the first year of the study. However, Cr decreased Aporcelaimellus density and maturity index, increased Pratylenchus density and bacterial/fungal ratio, changed the c-p structure and feeding type composition. Se proved to be very toxic at a concentration of 11 mg kg1 (NH4-acetate/EDTA soluble form). Some advantageous effects of Zn were found in the first year. These disappeared later on. Remarkable between-year fluctuations of the nematode assemblage composition were observed.
# 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Soil pollution; Heavy metals; Microelements; Nematode assemblage
1. Introduction
Heavy metals and micro elements from different sources, mainly from industry, traffic, wet or dry deposition, sewage sludge, fertilization, and pesticide application pollute agro ecosystems. Besides the crop plants other components of the system, as nematode assemblage are also affected (Bongers and Bongers, 1998; Bongers and Ferris, 1999; Yeates and Bongers, 1999; Ferris et al., 2001).
There is relatively little information on the long term effects of heavy metals and micro elements on the nematode assemblage of the agro ecosystems.
Weiss and Larink (1991) examined the effect of heavy metal contaminated sewage sludge on agricultural field. They found that a mixture of heavy metals in sewage sludge increased nematode density. This was a consequence of growth of bacterial (especially Rhabditid) and fungal feeder nematode populations. On the other side, density....

What are the odds that a stoner, hitting on his bong while researching the effects of chelating agents on nematodes, would come across a research paper in which previous research is cited coming from a biologist named "Bongers"?

... and the world gets ever smaller...
i got some nanners on one of my plants. I have never had this situation occur before. Im worried that she might pollinate the rest of my garden. right now i have her isolated in my closet in the phototron.I was going to flush her or drown her in the dark for a week. Should i even bother or just chop her and get her the fuck out of my grow room?
i got some nanners on one of my plants. I have never had this situation occur before. Im worried that she might pollinate the rest of my garden. right now i have her isolated in my closet in the phototron.I was going to flush her or drown her in the dark for a week. Should i even bother or just chop her and get her the fuck out of my grow room?

PHOTOTRON?!!!? HoLy shit man I didn't know people actually bought those things outta high times....use to have 1 myself borrowed from a friend. Great gig for a mother plant or clones but total shit for growing anything. Totally just gave me a blast from the past guy....trips me out that was over 12 years ago. Anybody else remember these things?
"help!!! my drip trays under my plants overflow every time I water!!!! WHAT DO I DO???!!!"

Idiocracy is coming true.... people are devolving! lol. SORRY, I had to vent, the lack of common sense baffles me.
PHOTOTRON?!!!? HoLy shit man I didn't know people actually bought those things outta high times....use to have 1 myself borrowed from a friend. Great gig for a mother plant or clones but total shit for growing anything. Totally just gave me a blast from the past guy....trips me out that was over 12 years ago. Anybody else remember these things?
12 years, pfft... I bought a phototron around 22 years ago!
"help!!! my drip trays under my plants overflow every time I water!!!! WHAT DO I DO???!!!"

Idiocracy is coming true.... people are devolving! lol. SORRY, I had to vent, the lack of common sense baffles me.

People just need to use common sense:
If you never water your plants, your drip trays won't overflow.


So here's something that DOES make sense!

was just starting to purp up with the cold, ill put ice cubes on the pot next time round when flushing and see if i can get this looking better if poss.
People just need to use common sense:
If you never water your plants, your drip trays won't overflow.



Oh lord.... :-( There is no hope. Then I see cinders post.... There is hope again :-) lol

So here's something that DOES make sense!

was just starting to purp up with the cold, ill put ice cubes on the pot next time round when flushing and see if i can get this looking better if poss.

No, not possible. That thing is scary looking. Absolutely stunning.
Love that tiny bud lol. Your dog is looking nice too. I bet they smoke about the same... wish we could smoke em together.

For some odd reason my trichs aren't that sticky this go round, they are more like sand paper and rough. My scissors have been staying clean, it's very odd. Same with the Banana so it's something with the grow, not the genetics. Not sure what would cause that.

Smell is off the hook this grow though.

more purp