Well-Known Member
I did 1-AD the real stuff. Not the fake shit they pump out now. I took like 4x the amount you were supposed to (most people did). It is now classified as a steroid. I put something like 100lbs on my bench in 3 months, and about 50lbs on my curls. It makes you feel like a god. I really don't know how to explain it. Probably the best drug ever.... You wake up feeling like you hit the powerball every day man. You just feel good. You're strong as hell, ripped, etc. I can see how these athletes get addicted to it.
you can see in my pics I am not cut, but big.
I wanted the deep six-pack, but wanted to get a lil bigger 1st.
I guess I will never be there again though.
Yes i am depressed about it.
I used to spend 3+ hrs a day in the gym and I wasnt on the phone or in the pool/bike...all weights. 5 days a week..and weekends off
My girl thought I was cheating on her I was gone so much.