Club 600

Well 6 it looks as if my tea did the job. All new growth back to normal and bud formation and size has resumed. Yay happy days!

Next time I'll remember not to use a 3 gallon or veg so long lol
heh, I've got a few things to remember next time too, like to change my worn out lamp sooner :/

Well 6 it looks as if my tea did the job. All new growth back to normal and bud formation and size has resumed. Yay happy days!

Next time I'll remember not to use a 3 gallon or veg so long lol
Ya bro sometimes I just get to laxed about stuff since I've been doing this awhile or I forget cuz I get stoned lol but either way it will work out in the end.
Has anyone decided which day to hit up Hempcon next weekend? I wish I could work it out for Friday but wer just started a new priject and kwon't be able to make that work.
That blue pit looks great Z!

Busy at 7am de-weeding the backyard.
Gotta finish so I can be ready for the kennel.
Still thinning about the kiddie pool(s) vs digging big holes and putting in quality dirt.
hows it going boys, sorry i dont have an update for you this week ive been going insane trying to get the house and my job and life to sync up again after does look like im going to be back to tour catering here soon which means i wont be able to garden, but my room will still remain perpetual via my roommate. time to make some looking at 3.33 acres in klamath county oregon with water rights like to own property and have a house built within the next 7 years. from what i see on the last few pages it looks like all of you have been at it too, working hard and killing it. nice vid supchaka. il try to get my camera in there this week and give you a peek at the fucking huge rain forest i have blooming.....guys let me say it again...timewreck. god damn. plus some new mickeys kush updates jesus og holla peace guys
I'm going to do the same ere in the few hrs :-) may even get me a beer.

been working allot in the veggie garden,,, and my outdoor lady is looking good :-) indoor ladies are looking good too,,, everything is moving along.
Going to a B-Day BBQ in a few hrs.
I just hope they dont try to sucker me into being the chef again like they usually do.

They dont realize I usually dont go for this reason actually.
Last time I got sun-burned badly.
Park your ass in a chair with a cold beverage and explain that your not up to it,,, then proceed to drink cold beverage and ask who's up for the task :-)
Park your ass in a chair with a cold beverage and explain that your not up to it,,, then proceed to drink cold beverage and ask who's up for the task :-)

tell em your too high. lol that gets flys off of shit.

Or they know ur the man for the job

I have Q'd so many times, and they all dont BBQ so great.
They tell me sob stories like you dont want all this expensive food to get ruined and ruin the party.
I am like why didnt you order pizzas lol

Ill show up late and leave early so I dont have to cook.