Club 600

Hey Screwballoos, weird day yesterday, my laptop wouldn't let me on riu all day, I had a full day of abstanence.

Thanks for the b-day wishes, I was only being silly, honestly I wasn't crying!!! this year tried to just slip past my birthday without much fuss (I spent the night in on my todd smoking! wife was away on business - fukkin birthday on a Monday, wtf! lol.)
Another mini heatwave here.
Good luck with the house Doobie, looks the ticket.
Giggles, nice work on the floor, good to see you, hope your lady is ok after recent events.
Whodat, I am jealous, that looks scrumptious. I want to make some tomato essence when I get enough. Saw a chef on tv making it, looks AMAZING!

Have a sunny and happy day peeps.
Pups getting some sun training....I use one of the sun loungers to dapple the sun.
Yesterday my puppy ate my clones I pulled off before the outside girls went to flower. The only 2 strains I really wanted to keep is the silverberry and jack herer. I tried to find a couple clippings that weren't fully into flower. Back when I was having issues cloning my 1 friend who is a commercial grower suggested I wait till they were preflowering before trying. I never tried this but yesterday I did without choice. Luckily the silverberry wasn't far along at all. I'm hoping the 2jack catch because I love it and I really had to search for even to clippings that wasn't in full flower. I think I got lucky and only had 1 male in the group of reg. beans I started a month ago. I'll have to really mark my clones good when I take them just to be safe. I almost had to miss a male there's no way 7 out of 8 were female.
My dog has eaten some pretty valuable stuff of mine before... I had a brand new set of speakers that came in the mail, opened the box, go outside for like 5 mins tops, and he chewed them to pieces. They were like $400. My other dog came up sniffing a bag of fire weed I had laid out on the table that I just bought for a ridiculous amount, takes one lick and eats like half of it... Countless other shit has been chewed up as well...
Jimmer, you can take clones in flower no problem, even with big ole buds on em. I find flowering clones root quite quickly. But then you got to basically reveg them but that's just a case of popping them into a veg light cycle.....

Yesterday my puppy ate my clones I pulled off before the outside girls went to flower. The only 2 strains I really wanted to keep is the silverberry and jack herer. I tried to find a couple clippings that weren't fully into flower. Back when I was having issues cloning my 1 friend who is a commercial grower suggested I wait till they were preflowering before trying. I never tried this but yesterday I did without choice. Luckily the silverberry wasn't far along at all. I'm hoping the 2jack catch because I love it and I really had to search for even to clippings that wasn't in full flower. I think I got lucky and only had 1 male in the group of reg. beans I started a month ago. I'll have to really mark my clones good when I take them just to be safe. I almost had to miss a male there's no way 7 out of 8 were female.
Jimmer, you can take clones in flower no problem, even with big ole buds on em. I find flowering clones root quite quickly. But then you got to basically reveg them but that's just a case of popping them into a veg light cycle.....

That exactly what he said. I just never had to try it because I got the method I was using down. This is why I like to learn as much as possible about whatever I enjoy in life. I'm praying for the silverberry it's very dare to my heart and if I loose this it's gone for ever because my friend kept the genetics solely to himself.
My dog has eaten some pretty valuable stuff of mine before... I had a brand new set of speakers that came in the mail, opened the box, go outside for like 5 mins tops, and he chewed them to pieces. They were like $400. My other dog came up sniffing a bag of fire weed I had laid out on the table that I just bought for a ridiculous amount, takes one lick and eats like half of it... Countless other shit has been chewed up as well...

This was a 100% my fault. Her belly was upset and when she was outside she was eating grass and etc... While I was taking care of my indoor gardens she was chillin in my room with me. Well there was lots of greenery to help settle her stomach just not what I wanted her to have. Back when I had 2 St. Bernard's while they were puppies I'd come home and whole couches would be moved around and half gone. One day she locked her self in the bathroom and I came home and could not find the bathroom door no where. Most expensive puppies I ever had.
Doob- house looks good. If you invite us to the house warming party I'll make sure your electric is proper. :) is the panel you took a picture of the sub panel? I dont see a main breaker. Your main panel has the meter on it too, but im sure you already knew that.
Yeh, invite me as well Doob's, I'll make sure you got comfy places to chill (I'll be the comfy place tester while Strictly graffs on yer lecky!) I am good with throw cushions and such, lol.
So i went to see the knee specialist yesterday. Im gonna have a mr scan too, but he was certain it was cartilage damage in the knee cap. So thats pretty fucked. Im gonna have issues with my knee the rest of my life :( Pretty bummed as i am a previous gymnast(Danish champion 1 year) and take pride in showing of my skills :/ No more.. Thought id be backflipping at the age of 50 :(
Hope i get some cool cash for this occupational injury! Dont know whats gonna happen yet.
Hope yall is great.
Oh and jimmer. Ive had plenty of fails with cloning but then i tried cuttings from 2. or 3. week of flower and succes 2 out of 2. Flowering again now :) Been succesfull since with 10 clones from veg. But i heard it aint good for the cloning in the long run, if u start in flowering. The next cuts of cuts of cuts i mean :)?
Dam Hydro, that is not good news. Not sure what age you are but it may not all be a loss. I have had 4 operations on my knee (from football) with removal of ACL, trimming Medial Ligaments, scraping miniscus, etc, etc....I now have arthritis in my knee which is always fun at times, but I train regularly and now that I have overcome the urge to contstantly kick footballs whenever I see them, life is not all that bad. If you are young enough repairs to knees these days are common. And if you are really serious then you can always get it rebuilt from one of the many options that medicine provides these days. Ultimately though it'll never be the same as you won't be able to push it 125%! you'll be lucky to push it 75%! But hey, at least your fingers are not broken forever so you can still roll joints and grow de ganj!:) If you have any question about knees, feel free to ask.
Thought Id throw this pic up here, the venus fly trap loves it in the green house lol.



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Thx alot m8, yeah i know there is alot of people in the 600 with "problems". Glad you seem to kick yours ass :) Damn 4 operations thats a killer right there. Hope you got down under good, thats the only thing i like about surgery :) Yeah i know its not the end of life or anything. I just find it a little difficult to swallow im 28. And right now i cant drive cykle swim even walk more than 10 mins. And constant pain not a hard pain but its the constant that driving me nuts, along with the thought of this being forever. But yeah i might get more time to do what i love the most :)
I bet i have some questions when it all settles a bit. Im having family dinner tonight to let em all know.
HydroGp that bites. I wish you luck. As D said the advances in medicine and surgeries is awesome. About 2 1/1 years ago I had back surgery from years of flooring and spending month's in the woods sleeping on the ground. I couldn't believe the recovery time and the amount of recovery. To this day I can do whatever I want in moderation.
Don't even get me started on back problems, I fucked mine up good at a young age and just kept fucking it up more in young adult years, well shit I'm still young but ya I've had 2 ruptured discs and a few other problems, but cannabis has helped me a lot :D

Oh and good morning 6! Hope everyone is having a great friday!
At 28 your body still produces the right stuff to mend itself. Me, I go and get needles rammed in my body to compensate that, lol. At your age for example, if there is a tear in one of the ligaments, they will generally just sow it up as the ligament will actually repair itself that way(my first op they just cut bits of it out, ffs!!!) And I sympathise with the constant dull pain, unfortunately that is something that has stayed with me, and is worse when I walk around for long periods (either that or I have an aversion to shopping with females, lol). My last op I was told I was too old so they basically removed a large chunk of my medial ligament. In hinesite they had to do it as there was both a horizontal and a vertial tear in the ligament (like a star). They may not put you into full narcossis if they operate, I had a regional anasthetic (or epidural as some pregnant women know them as). I watched the whole operation while it happened on TV. Was weird seeing my leg slung over the doctors shoulder, and not being able to feel your meat and two veg is no laughing matter. I kept having to check after the op as I was really para it wouldn't work (well that's what I said to the nurse when she came in and caught me playing with it, lmfao).

Thx alot m8, yeah i know there is alot of people in the 600 with "problems". Glad you seem to kick yours ass :) Damn 4 operations thats a killer right there. Hope you got down under good, thats the only thing i like about surgery :) Yeah i know its not the end of life or anything. I just find it a little difficult to swallow im 28. And right now i cant drive cykle swim even walk more than 10 mins. And constant pain not a hard pain but its the constant that driving me nuts, along with the thought of this being forever. But yeah i might get more time to do what i love the most :)
I bet i have some questions when it all settles a bit. Im having family dinner tonight to let em all know.
ok, we won't, lol.....morning Giggles, what you doing to the new house today?

Don't even get me started on back problems, I fucked mine up good at a young age and just kept fucking it up more in young adult years, well shit I'm still young but ya I've had 2 ruptured discs and a few other problems, but cannabis has helped me a lot :D

Oh and good morning 6! Hope everyone is having a great friday!
Brings a new meaning to "shop till ya drop"

Hey westy the thing looks to be eating really well lol,,,, I wonder what it would do in rdwc 600 and co2 :shock:

I am fortunately in good health, besides small hip and ankle problems every now and then. I do believe the tendon under my right foot is tearing some, after long days it feels like i got a nail in my foot with every step.... Good thing I got ganja! Started the space bubble harvest, and the proper sample has some great cheese flavor coming through.
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ok, we won't, lol.....morning Giggles, what you doing to the new house today?

Ok good lol, morning d. I'm building a fence today as long as the weather permits.

Brings a new meaning to "shop till ya drop"

Hey westy the thing looks to be eating really well lol,,,, I wonder what it would do in rdwc 600 and co2 :shock:

I am fortunately in good health, besides small hip and ankle problems every now and then. I do believe the tendon under my right foot is tearing some, after long days it feels like i got a nail in my foot with every step.... Good thing I got ganja! Started the space bubble harvest, and the proper sample has some great cheese flavor coming through.

Must be nice lol, football tore the shit outa me in hs and every time I hear space bubble I think astronaut and take me to the moon lol.