Club 600

Dude.. I just got assaulted by overzealous security guards at the grocery store. Strait had me pinned against the wall yelling mother fucker this cock sucker that. Never identified themselves. For real I'm a good looking white kid I never dealt with nothing like that before. Shit cops have been more gentle with me and I've been cuffed more than a couple times. I feel like I have a taste of what the other side gets on a regular basis.

not cool to say the least
A scene doesn't begin to describe it. They were not store employees but contractors hired by corporate. They're lucky I never took those jiu jitsu lessons.
Dude.. I just got assaulted by overzealous security guards at the grocery store. Strait had me pinned against the wall yelling mother fucker this cock sucker that. Never identified themselves. For real I'm a good looking white kid I never dealt with nothing like that before. Shit cops have been more gentle with me and I've been cuffed more than a couple times. I feel like I have a taste of what the other side gets on a regular basis.

not cool to say the least

Lol. reminds me of a story when i was 12 or almost exactly the same, they accused me of stealing Pokemon cards, but i had money in my pocket. i was embarrased my mom and sis were there. Haven't been in target since.
And FM, when i was on probation around 15 my p.o. told me if youre in the grocery store and you pick grapes and taste, drop or eve move them you can be charged with shop lifting
I went shopping a little bit ago, too.
But this is what I got:



Popped my cannabis dispensary cherry, and tonight I am a man!

Went to a place called:

1st Choice Cannabis

A new outlet about 1.5 miles up the road from where we now live.
Has been open for about a month.
Had a friendly clerk who knew his herbs, and decent prices on a nice variety of meds.
I got a half oz of Mendo Purp, 1/4 oz of Purple Trainwreck, 1/4 oz of Purple Kush, and 4 g's of Acapulco Gold.
But no one tried to rough me up.

One more load of stuff to bring over in the car and then a few loads out to the dumpster, and we are officially moved out of the apartment.

Exhausted, so time for a bowl and some grub, then back to finish it off.
That one in the pic actually did have a full pit in it.
Luckily I was chewing slow and felt it in there before biting down.
Took a month to get my crown installed, and hope not to have to do it again for a long time.
I see you like purple weed as well my man. I do wish I had the luxury of a dispensary I would be nice. Glad to hear the moving is almost complete. I still have a bunch of stuff at my old place.