Club 600

Ah, a follower of the old - wank a day doesn't keep the Doctor away, but it's better than a fukkin apple.
Has been raining like it means it here lately, so had to quit putting off on getting rain gear for riding the scooter.
Just ordered these:

Joe Rocket "Rush" waterproof gloves
(*had to get them, since they are called "Rush" ;-) )

and some of this:
Tourmaster Elite series-2 2-piece rain suit



Will be getting some waterproof boot covers if needed.

To keep this OT:

I love cannabis as much as I love turtles, and I'm toking on some Purple Trainwreck.
Looks great FM! Do you have any bud shots?

Doobs, how is the wall coming? Love the engineering project and the waterproof Devo suit :)

I was out for a meal the other night with friends and we came out the place and there was this little demon sitting there. The owner was also just leaving. He restored it himself, originally from 1958. Thought you may be interested so took a snap. It's a Puch I think. I did take a pic of the badge but it was so out of focus (I blame that on the Dalwhinnie I just had, lol.)

And an arb pic of a street in the Dam...this was like midnight or something, twas as busy as it is during the day...

And some pics form the other spot....


Peace, DST
Wall will be finished tomorrow, Mo. Bought a nice Doug Fir 2x4 wall stud to replace a badly warped wall stud. It was nice & straight when I bought it, but after cutting to size and screwing in place it bowed out in the middle almost a full inch, so got a replacement stud the other night.
After it's in place, it's just a matter of trimming it out and moving on with my life.

Heavy duty looking scooter, D :-)
Looks like a miniature two-wheeled tank.
This guy dosn't look very enthusiastic. Looking forward to the tvsgt!

I believe fam is turning that entire plant into hash, which is pretty cool, so not much trimming to be done! I like!


People are still doubting the saints, they will know eventually.
I'm not doubting the saints. They looked pretty beast last night. Defense looking feirce. NO vs DEN superbowl. :)

Too funny mo with the blondes in the grow room comment. :)

And D, Lol... apples are overrated.

FM that plant is so fucking awesome. You should be real proud.

Doob... You are having entirely too much fun in your new place. I think the only thing to remedy to situation is to keep having fun. :) So stoked for you finally taking off your shoes and stretching out. Must feel really good. I bet the wife is happy too, if you left her any of the house to play with. haha
The product coming out will only be as good is the product going in me thinks.
Bomb super frosty trim in, potentially really bomb hash coming out.
Mediocre trim going in, either mediocre hash out or very little half decent.
I once had a girlfriend named "Midori".
Chick had a set of beautiful, sweet, round melons.
But she only spoke Japanese, so I never knew what the heck she was saying.
Who wants to open a business with me? lol

I wonder if cannabiscult is working on opening one.

[h=1]Colorado accepts historic applications for recreational marijuana stores[/h]

Colorado marked a new marijuana milestone on Tuesday when it became the first state in U.S. history to begin taking applications from people wanting to open legal recreational marijuana stores.
The first applicants arrived at the Marijuana Enforcement Division's offices south of downtown Denver shortly before 9 a.m., carrying heavy boxes and bulging binders. Just after 9, Andy Williams, the owner of the Medicine Man medical-marijuana dispensary, stepped into an office conference room to become one of the first to submit an application.
"We're excited," Williams said. "Some folks are afraid to be first, but we welcome it."
Despite the momentous occasion, the scene inside the Marijuana Enforcement Division's offices was surprisingly orderly. In contrast to three years ago — when the state's first medical-marijuana business applicants crowded into licensing offices in a literal display of the Colorado marijuana rush — applications this time were submitted by appointment only.
As of Tuesday morning, the state had scheduled 50 appointments for people wanting to open recreational marijuana stores, growing facilities and infused-products operations. Another 10 appointments are waiting to be finalized, and a dozen more businesses have e-mailed requesting appointments.
All the available appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday have been booked, said John Seckman, the agent in charge of licensing and background checks for the Marijuana Enforcement Division, or MED.
"I'm a little surprised that Thursday and Friday we don't have that many appointments," Seckman said.
The orderly process — MED officials stressed that they had learned from past licensing chaos — was partly due to planning but also partly due to limitations on who can apply right now to open a recreational marijuana store. Until July 2014, only people who already own a medical-marijuana dispensary can apply to open a recreational store, creating a smaller pool of potential applicants who are already well versed in MED rules. MED officials greeted many applicants by name Tuesday.
All businesses that have applications accepted during the month of October will receive a decision on that application by Jan. 1, the first day recreational marijuana stores can open in Colorado, said Julie Postlethwait, a MED spokeswoman. Incomplete applications will not be accepted, and business owners who submit them will have to complete the applications and schedule a new appointment before the applications will be accepted.
"The key part is getting the complete application," Postlethwait said.
After accepting an application, MED officials will forward a copy to the local government where the proposed business would be based. Larry Stevenson, with Denver's Excise and Licenses Department, was at MED's offices Tuesday to pick up applications submitted that morning. He said the city could have as many as 10 appointments Tuesday afternoon to review and accept local license applications.
"Today is Day One," Stevenson said. "We want to get this right on Day One."
Would-be business owners were required to e-mail in advance for an appointment time. When they arrived Tuesday, they walked to a lectern with a piece of paper reading, "Retail Business Check-in" taped to it. They were then quickly directed into one of the Marijuana Enforcement Division's conference rooms, where a gun-carrying MED investigator went through their application step-by-step.
Applicants had to provide financial information, floor plans for their stores, security plans, a certificate of good standing from the Colorado secretary of state's office, a signed lease for their business space and a sales tax bond. They also had to hand over their application and licensing fees. For Williams, the amount was more than $17,000 for his store and associated growing facility — and he still needed to pay his licensing fee for his Denver license later in the day.
In the end, though, Williams learned he would need to come back on Wednesday to supplement his state application. Though his sales tax bond had been approved, it had not actually come through yet — just one of the hassles of being first.