Club 600

I sold an AR on eBay waaaaaay back before they had all kinds of rules and shit.
Funny story, I packed it up and took it to the UPS store and when I insured it for 2 grand they asked what it is. I said its a gun. The guys all, we cant knowingly ship a gun insured like that. I said ok... Can I split it and ship it separate as gun parts? He was like uhhh I guess. So I opened the box in the store, and separated the stock and lower into one box with the upper and barrel in another and insured each one for a grand. The dude was tripping and probably didnt want me doing it right there but fuck I needed to buy the box from them anyways, I didnt have another one. There wasnt anyone else in the store so I figured why not. I'm sure I gave that dude the opportunity to tell a story or two in the future!
I'm gonna break,
I'm gonna break my,
I'm gonna break my rusty cage
and run!




Here is one of my favorite cage songs:


I wish that that Camera man had known at the time that his
footage was important just for capturing that moment....

...he might have left more of it intelligible and not "artified"
it into so much that could not be understood.

i.e. focus and hold still once in a while.

It was a time-capsule all the same.

I had the very good fortune of seeing The Musical Box perform
Tresspass in a theater in LA. Very Cool.

Thanks for sharing.
