Mad as a fart
Well-Known Member
Folks can you all post your pics of your tent set-up, I am mostly interested in DR120 with 600w light.
what size pots were you in?Damn wish I had a camera, but I have a DR120 and just cropped a few weeks ago and I love it! I upgraded from a 6" air cooled 600w HPS to a 1000w cool tube w/ reflector. The 1000w has brought insane results to penetration, coverage (wider hood), bud density, and further down the road yeild. I have extremely good airflow and heat buildup isn't that bad, although come summertime I will probably have a fucking huge AC bill.
As far as max yeild, you want to do a Scrog setup. If you don't want to bother with all that, just supercrop and train your canopy so you have a really even canopy across the whole tent. Cut out undergrowth and focus energy on the top of the canopy. You will see great yields coming out of this tent.
My first crop I had 4 large supercropped plants, was pretty uneven canopy and I had some issues that run, but still managed to pull a 1/2 pound off those 4 plants.