Well-Known Member
I apologize sir
Didn't mean to come across arrogant at all.
Just surprised no one else has chimed in.
Tty was the guy that convinced me to try the qbs.
I run 2 boards over a 2x3 and I've been more then happy with the results.
I switched from hid lighting and i won't ever run a big bulb again.
What kind of yields are u getting with ur current light?
This is the only reason I joined this forum was to find out more info about QBs lol. Sorry I thought you were being arrogant glad to see it wasn't meant that way! So this is funny cause I actually haven't even finished my first harvest with the 5 p300s so I actually can't even talk about yield on them. I am new to growing and found the p300s on Craigslist for what I thought was a good deal. Everywhere you look online says they are great. Until I joined grasscity and riu lol. So I am trying to figure out if I should make the switch sooner than later while I can still get some money back on the p300s. Thank you for chiming into help me. I do appreciate help since I'm new to this. Just trying to grow good medicine while doing it efficiently. Any other questions that I can answer that might help your input let me know. Thanks again!
Torontoke my bad I didn't realize that question was directed toward tty and not me lol
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