Club Vert(600)


Well-Known Member
i def heat my house in the winter with the 600...also i always used neg pressure and suck in fresh air thru the vents. when clogging the vents i opened a 6in hole and pushed in cool ac air to make up for any vents squeezed. everything was good til i woke up one morning and the tent was inflated lol i took a pic of the duct after it imploded lol a plastic lining inside seperated and pulled into my canfan. shit was crazy lol i just fixed it to make sure it worked. shit was fine but i still went back :( lol horizontal for now. im pheno hunting so im thinking i should find my pheno then go vertical.


Well-Known Member
We'll be here waiting for you to come back from the dark side, lol. Haha, I'm running a flat grow at the moment too (don't tell anyone)


Well-Known Member
I guess I got lucky it took me two days of running my first vert room to get it balanced out. I was turning the are over twice a min. I start my new room after I get off tomorrow. my last was 288 cubic feet, and the new one 175. im also putting my ballast out of the room, and running ac directly in it. I foresee no heat issues. I do a lot of planning and research before I build, and imo is the most important part of the process. it is like the saying goes " an oz of prevention is worth a lb of cure"


Well-Known Member
i agree! if i didnt put in the duct fan my canfan could caught fire... canfan was preety hot when i removed the ducting the imploded.


Well-Known Member
knockin lol i like the idea of those window trays stacked though. fill em with supersoil and find a fast fowering strain...hell yea let the phenos begin!


Well-Known Member
I guess I got lucky it took me two days of running my first vert room to get it balanced out. I was turning the are over twice a min. I start my new room after I get off tomorrow. my last was 288 cubic feet, and the new one 175. im also putting my ballast out of the room, and running ac directly in it. I foresee no heat issues. I do a lot of planning and research before I build, and imo is the most important part of the process. it is like the saying goes " an oz of prevention is worth a lb of cure"

"measure twice cut once"

How you described is exactly how my boxes are now. Hey doc I'll be starting my new build soon too! Final build for this space/system. Double MAYBE triple decker hazy suzan :-)


Well-Known Member
the tops on some of them are about a foot above the light ffs, lol.....still seem ok though.


Well-Known Member
week 3 in doc's ganja cave[video=youtube;jd6I7D_mh_I][/video]
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