clueless, really want to save this one, HELP!


Active Member
Can anyone tell me what the **** is goin on with my 8 week old high grade that has been in flower for three weeks now,
I flushed her after one week in flower because she was showing this , I know after flushing it recovered for a week, but another week has gone by now and still no pistols, I'm sure its a girl by pre sexing. Here are some pics to see whats happening to the leaves. HELP!
The healthy looking pics are 4 to 5 weeks in veg.



how close are your lights? how long after you flushed them did you give them more nutes? you ought to wait at least a week to give them more nutes, and only give them like a half a dose.


Looks like a light issue to me, i dont see any signs of nut burn, the lower leaves look healthy. Raise your light using the pimp hand method (back of the hand) and adjust accordingly

The Kush Guy

Active Member
Definitely looks like a heat issue, curling up and drying out like that are generally signs of over heating.

What are your rooms temp (hi and lo)?

What wattage and kind of lights are you using?

How close are they?



Active Member
Pretty sure its not the light or heat, using three 26 watt cfl in tri- hung fixture about 5-6 " from top. Temps stay at between 72 and 82 cause I have a/c in closet, along with exellent circulation. Pimp hand method seems to be fine, not too hot. Symptoms continue to appear on lower tops also.
She looks like she gonna burst, but all the leaves are curling, tacoing, and drying. Looks like it starts at the center point foundation of the leaves.
I almost think that it might be under watering? or over nuting? or both? I dont have a PH meter so that might be a factor,(lockup) I know i need one!
What do you guys think?

The Kush Guy

Active Member
Are there any drain holes in the bottom of your pot?

Is the top inch or two of soil bone dry when you water?
