Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro


Well-Known Member
Well, the nugs do seem to be forming up nicely.

The flapping reflective material enhanced the disco feel. :0)



Well-Known Member
As I talked about before I have been wondering about my PH. Tonight I fired up the nice PH meter, hydrated the probe, re-calibrated, and checked my RO water. Seems like the stuff that has been stored in gallon jugs is higher than the fresh stuff. Can that be? Does PH drift up in containers? One of the older jugs was at 7.5, but the new stuff is at 6.8. I also used the el-cheepo soil PH probe in all the buckets and they are all 7.0 to 7.2. A bit high.

The reason I'm concerned is the yellowing leaves at the bottom all have that P deficiency look.

So I fed full strength big bloom tonight with fresh RO water and a drop of PHup to each gallon.

Probably worried about nothing. :roll: They sure smell good!

Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
These are smaller bottom 1/3rd leaves on the cluster bomb but the rest of my plants display the same thing. The top 1/3rd of all the plants look pretty good to me. Might be normal!

Grow_8.13.13 002.jpg



Well-Known Member
Shouldn't the leaves just slowly fade like this? This the first real grow I did. Kiwi Skunk in a little 2 x 2 x 6 cabinet all CFLs. One plant in a 5 gal bucket.

kiwi skunk.JPG


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't the leaves just slowly fade like this? This the first real grow I did. Kiwi Skunk in a little 2 x 2 x 6 cabinet all CFLs. One plant in a 5 gal bucket.

View attachment 2775395

OK SV, you are sneaking up on me....hiding skills....that is mad shit for CFLs!

Nice work!

As to your question, I know that exposure to the air does indeed have a pH affect
on water....I will look it up.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
Yeah, it was what I thought.

I recalled that CO2 will cause water to become slightly acidic.

....but that would mean the pH drifting *down*.


P.S. From Google:
This chemical behaviour explains why water, which normally has a neutral pH of 7 has an acidic pH of approximately 5.5 when it has been exposed to air.


Well-Known Member
Thanks JD. That Kiwi Skunk grow worked great even though I had a crazy time controlling my temps. Some times they were 95 degrees. I have a big 150W cfl on top and had 4 or 5 smaller ones hanging in various places in the cabinet. I think I got lucky with those plants, Kiwi Skunk must be really robust. Stunk like mad though. Classic weed. Not one hit wonder but a joint will do you good.

I need to find pix of my vortex grow.


Well-Known Member
But I just take my RO water and put it into 1 gallon milk jugs and put the lid on them. So they are not exposed to air or bright light.

Too many variables!


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha, this little thing was supposed to be finished long ago but it keeps putting on weight and new bud growth so i'm still just letting her do her thing. that bud is really dense.

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Well-Known Member
The c-bomb grows like a weed. Interesting plant! It throws out little side branches like mad and you get lots of little "birds on wire" popcorn buds. but those side branches stretch horizontally. The fan leaves are fading fast and the whole thing is collapsing under the weight of the buds on those skinny rubbery stems. All of which would be fine if I had more space but she's crowding the other plants. I staked and restrained her tonight. The website says 7-9 weeks finish. A week from now will be a little over 7 weeks.

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Well-Known Member
Here's the runt I put outside. It's really doing well. I keep supercropping the tops. But as far as I can tell it's not flowering. I'm in Colorado so isn't it getting a bit late? Maybe it won't flower at all!
YARD_8.23.13 009.jpgYARD_8.23.13 008.jpgYARD_8.23.13 005.jpgYARD_8.23.13 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
LOL, I have no idea how to use the sun, and its timing, for herbage.

That looks great though. I would love to move outside....

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
It should start shooting pistols pretty soon how long has it been out there?
gosh i think i put it outside back in june, i'll have to check. i just looked at it tonight and still no flowering. it just keeps vegging. i put it in a fairly dark spot in my yard but maybe not dark enough?

my indoor grow is winding down, and will be done long before the fall freeze so as a last resort i can bring her in and throw her in the tent.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I have no idea how to use the sun, and its timing, for herbage.

That looks great though. I would love to move outside....

Good luck,


Thanks JD. I guess we'll learn as we go on this one. BTW that's a cluster bomb. The funny thing is the indoor cluster bomb is totally right on schedule. It's larger fan leaves are all yellow and dropping fast. i'm pretty impressed by it's growth habit, at this point it's pretty much all buds. i can chop it down anytime now and it will be super easy to manicure. I'll send pics when i harvest her. the buds aren't huge by any means but there's a ton of them. I think i'll try another bomb seeds strain next time around.


Well-Known Member
Damn that is weird mabey a light shining on it at night from a window or something.
wierd weird weird should flower though eventually and get you a nice harvest off her.


Well-Known Member
Yea this is pretty late in the season to not even be pushing pistils...all my outdoor plants have already set up the bud formation and are in full flower. What I would do is light deprivation for a full 24-48 hours and then put it back outside. That should get it to start flowering for you.