Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro


Well-Known Member
Thanks as always JD! I appreciate you watching. Here's tonight's cluster bomb pix. The buds are filling out and she likes being in the tent.

GROW_10.7.13c 020.jpgGROW_10.7.13c 018.jpgGROW_10.7.13c 010.jpgGROW_10.7.13c 003.jpgGROW_10.7.13c 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
Is the stretch ending?

How much head-room is left?

My plants are done stretching, but they have grown quite
close to the lights. Sigh....I am going to do a SOG of shorties
again. I tire of fighting height.

Take care,


P.S. I see. In the last are doing fine.


Well-Known Member
I just logged in, but I am here. LMAO.

Dry or no, those look very tasty.

I was an "early adopter" of the for-pot 62% Boveda packs.

They are quite reasonably priced.

Keep up the good work.

Fuck, I get it.....precisely 24 hours. LOL!

so far do you like the boveda packs? no problems yet? i've got them in my jars but need to check on them.


Well-Known Member
Is the stretch ending?

How much head-room is left?

My plants are done stretching, but they have grown quite
close to the lights. Sigh....I am going to do a SOG of shorties
again. I tire of fighting height.

Take care,


P.S. I see. In the last are doing fine.
I kinda think she isn't stretching much. I should have measured when I put her in. I have 7" of headroom so I might be OK. I vent my hood so it's not too hot. I can put my hand on the glass and it's just warm. So they can get real close but I'll rope 'em and tie 'em before that. I've never tried a SOG grow. That sounds fun.


Well-Known Member
Well, the packs have not let anything mold yet, so that is good.

I was pleased to see that they now have a video about using the 62%ers
on "herbs". :0) What I was please to learn was how to know that they
are spent.

The pack will harden over time, as it loses it's ability to perform.

Good luck with the stretch. You can see in my thread that I am only
a few inches from the glass myself....but I think that the stretch is done.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
i'm glad you are having good luck with the packs. the video was great and informative. plus nice to see a business that is affiliated with tobacco and guitars not shying away from the cannabis grower.

i hope we both are done with the stretch!


Well-Known Member
LOL. Got my avatar back. I'm kind of attached to her after all these years. I had to put a mosaic over her little titties to comply with the no nudity policy!


Well-Known Member
So this is the outside plant i brought inside before it froze. when i brought it in it had many big fan leaves completely yellow. just faded. no spots.

now after a couple of weeks i see leaves getting spotted and crispy. i've had this problem through this entire grow.

so the soil hasn't changed. really the only thing i can think of is i'm watering it more often - that can't be it. and i'm using my RO water and fox farm big bloom, 4 TB per gallon.

what could be different inside than outside causing the leaves to do this?

i was about to stop using the big bloom anyway since i try to stop nutes a month or so before cutting them down.

maybe my RO water is off! i'm going to get a test kit.

GROW_10.13.13 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
With all due respect, what a pris! :0)

Are you old enough to remember Dan Ackroyd playing the character Irving Mainway?

He once got big laughs reacting to "art". ie. one painting by "Titian" which he pronounced
"Titty-an" and then, as the camera zoomed in, he then pointed to a clearly visible nipple.

I suppose that I am wondering how "art" allowed nipples on Television, circa 1978, but
is cannot allow nipples on a website in 2013....



P.S. I am so sorry that I cannot authoritatively chime in on your nute issue yet.
I would try flushing and then test switching to something with N but that is non-exotic
otherwise (thinking fish emulsion). Do post your thoughts on the matter.


Well-Known Member
i don't get really get it. are you calling me the pris or the mod the pris? apparently the admins will PM you if they see an avatar with ass or boobs or nipples!

but sure, i'm over 50 and i grew up with that SNL stuff!


Well-Known Member
I kept thinking of the set builder who the Bill Murray character asked for
an opinion on the nipples of The Solid Gold Dancers in the movie "Scrooged":

Censor Lady: "You can see her nipples!"
Frank Cross: "I want to see her nipples."
Censor Lady: "But this is a CHRISTMAS show!"
Frank Cross: "Well, I'm sure Charles Dickens would have wanted to see her nipples."
Carpenter Guy: "You can barely see them nipples."
Frank Cross: "You see? And these guys are REALLY looking!"

I love that scene.



Well-Known Member
Took this last night right after the big light shut off. Not a great pic but you can see how the buds are filling in nicely.

GROW_10.13.13 004.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dude! Those side branches are THICK. ....and thick along their entire length.

You are going to have a serious yield there.

Thanks for sharing.



Well-Known Member
good eye JD. i was thinking the same thing. she has long side branches that are filling up. i've never seen that before on my other grows (all indoor) and i'm guessing i have to thank the sun for this!