dbkick may have a point... my ballast is outside the tent, is yours? Not running phantom stuff here, mine came from HTG and the others are sun systems, but the Suns are in an open room, only the HTG is used in the tent because it is a remote ballast..
Here is the one I use... http://www.walmart.com/ip/24309668?...72529832&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=78765235832&veh=sem I think its 36 or maybe 40 inches tall...Do you have all of your lower vents open on the tent? Do you exhaust out of the room?
Well, shit. At this point I might as well just lock myself in the tent and put myself out of my misery. This was definitely not an issue I expected, hence why it's probably happening. At least I know that I'm not crazy in my assumption that heat shouldn't be an issue in this setup. Back to the drawing board!
Phantom cmh ballasts run really hot and I hate to say it but they're junk. Write off what I say but I'm speaking from personal experience.
At the top, right hand side, of my tent I have an exhaust fan, sucking air out of the tent and expelling it. At the bottom, left hand side, I have an intake fan blowing in air.
Move your intake to the top. I have no idea why people say to put them at the bottom. It does nothing. And co2 is denser than o2 so it falls to the ground immediately. There's no benefit of having the intake on the floor. You want your plants to get the fresh air / co2. The leaves don't get anything with the intake on the bottom.
Your tent will be much cooler if you move the intake.
Intake at the bottom, exhaust at the top- because heat rises.
if you cool strawberry roots they produce a sweeter fruit.
but they still have the seeds on the outside? strange fruit indeed.
(i have a really sad life)
All three were defective , it was random and intermittent. At first I thought it was a power thing since we got that huge snow and that's when we discovered the issue.I think yours was defective. I've been running my phantom for 2 weeks. No issues. And the ballast is only warm at most. I can rest my hand on it for a while. The opp said the issue was the bulb wasn't in all the way.
Another friend ran his phantom for a whole cycle so far and no issues.
Where did you get yours? Both of ours came direct from hydrofarm.
With any ballast of it runs hot. Place a fan towards it and most of the heat goes away .
All three were defective , it was random and intermittent. At first I thought it was a power thing since we got that huge snow and that's when we discovered the issue.
Resetting the ballast will clear up the problem until next time it happens. We bought from a hydrofarm dealer.
When I thought it was the snow affecting power lines me and another guy were having the same problem , his location is miles from mine so the snow was a coincidence.
I've since got a sunplix that I'm liking a lot. I'll be buying several more , the fixture they use I'm not that excited about since the lamp runs horizontal but as far as operating temperature the sunplix runs cool as can be while the phantom runs pretty warm.
You should try a sunplix, dimming down to 150 and a 350w boost. I just bought one but the distributor just lives a few blocks from me and I will be getting more.I think i'm going with the sunsytems next . Or nanolux. I just don't like cords going everywhere. Too bad you can't daisy chain them like led.