CNN: Florida Zombie Attack Could Be Part Of A Trend


Well-Known Member
20 minutes dedicated to such nonsense... what a shame. i tend to just not post, and switch threads.
some people seem to have a button their foreheads "press here to make me angry".

and it's just too damned irresistible to press that fucking button.

Total Head

Well-Known Member,-79.101562&spn=40.201931,63.984375

this is an actual map of all the "zombie-like" occurrences recently. the blue dots are just flesh-eating bacteria. it's the red dots that are of people eating people or guts or whatever.

also the CDC has denied a zombie apocalypse.

CDC spokesman David Daigle said the agency
“does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead (or one that would present zombie-like symptoms)”.

read link here


Well-Known Member
also the CDC has denied a zombie apocalypse.

CDC spokesman David Daigle said the agency
“does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead (or one that would present zombie-like symptoms)”.
