CNN- Stephen Baldwin vs Ron Paul National Debate on Marijuana Legalization


Well-Known Member
FUCK yeah Stephen baldwin is a fag.....I hate that asshole even before all that
In the interview all he did was sit there with a smirk on his face while ron paul showed him what was up....

Fuck that dude haha


Well-Known Member
thanks for the link man! Baldwin is a queer, brining up his biodome and half baked part HA! Ron Pual for Prez!


Well-Known Member
yeah i think he realized he made a fool of himself because Ron Paul had contradicted all of his statements

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
As if being in a stoner movie has anything to do with being experienced on discussing the legalisation topic, what a fucking tool that stephen baldwin is...completely wrong about everything he said.


Well-Known Member
im so pissed Ron Paul didnt get elected , if he got elected we'd be going to 7/11 to buy trees real talk

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Man, my old Forensics professor once had a confrontation with Stephen Baldwin...the guy tried to steal his darts from a barroom dartboard once.