CO 2 for a small grow set up


Well-Known Member
yeah man? idk i think its a safe be to use one, they do carry c02, it might be mixed with some low percentages of other gas but its still c02


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You can use the scuba tanks as thats what I use .I use 20 lbs tanks (not thier weight how much they hold).They cost about $24 a fill. The place by me just swaps them out you give them and empty tank they give you a full one.I have 2 extras a 20 lb and 10 lb that Id like to get rid of of anyone is looking for either. My electric solenoid I got on ebay used cheap for $45 usually $160-220 and my timer which is digital with ability to turn on for 1 minute or 24 hours then off multiple times day was on clearence so got it for $9 versus $50. I set my run time 1-3 minutes every other hour to 1500 ppm then it shuts off till next round.If you use the pop bottle make 4 or so of them as 1 doesnt really put much out and you need high levels to get any true response.A 5 gallon bucket with lid is the same concept and works beter can be lft outsie the grow cabinet with a tub going into it. You can get a co2boost bucket online or at hydro store for like $100 or so.


Well-Known Member

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yeah, mines probably 20lbs to seeing as diving tanks sizes are same so all id need is this right? im probably wrong cause i dont see how this thing could be timed, so what would i need? are u saying the same kind of timer i would use for my lights ? im def willing to pay 45 for a regulated c0 2 enviroment cause im going to be growing using a dutch like method and flowering my seeds from day one to keep the size down for my small space and that should fatten them up a bit


Active Member
i hear that a good way to get pure Co2 is mixing yeast and sugar in water in a water bottle and screw the cap on and poke a hole in the cap. it gives Co2 off for like 5-6 hours


Well-Known Member
i hear that a good way to get pure Co2 is mixing yeast and sugar in water in a water bottle and screw the cap on and poke a hole in the cap. it gives Co2 off for like 5-6 hours
It gives of c02 for days and days or until it stops fermenting and all of the sugar turns to alcohol.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
upinchronic thats a picture of a pressure gauge. You would want a selonoid, it has a outlet that plugs into a 110v recepticle or timer and when on it release a valve which allow the co2/gas to flow through.


Well-Known Member
yeach bluntz and natmoon, thats what gotbeat way saying, probably the best cheap mans way wich fits my description, and waffles yeach i admit im a total newb and this will be my fist indoor grow so yeah selenoids huh? ill check that out.


Well-Known Member
yes that thing between the gauge and that clear thing is the selonoid. How it works is that it magnetize a piston and that piston opens up the valve.