co-op vs "street" quality


Active Member
Why does co-op stuff look so amazing compared to leafy "street" stuff ?
Lots of variables attached to your questions since every grow environment is not the same. Proper trimming is key with a good product, the cleaner the trim, the better it looks, tastes and smells after harvest.
I couldnt comment on "Street Quality" in comparison to "CLUB Grown" ...... However!

As far as you are concerned, "there is no such thing as 'Street Stuff'"!

Remember that if you were to go to the corner and see what you can find, you are risking ALL your rights!

Allthough there is not a "standard" for Club or clinicly grown Marijuana, of course there is an understanding that we accept what we have been told to us by the "grower". If you are going to the "Street" then you are further risking your health, by attempting to get something that has been grown under NO RESTRICTIONS, you could be consuming somthing that has been incorrectly fertilized or even worse perhaps they used strong unnatural Pestitcides that would be extreamly dangerous for human consumption! Not to mention WILL INTERFEAR with other PERSCRIBED MEDICATION!

Simple solutions?


It is the only way to ensure that you have not added that which is dangerous. I also believe that there is a much better result when a person makes an effort to provide for themselves, that which they claim they need! Nothing is coming to anyone FOR NOTHING!

As Far as the orignial Post...
Why does co-op stuff look so amazing compared to leafy "street" stuff ?


Because the "Street" is not where you get, grow, or deal with your marijuana! Co-Op's offer "the experince" coupled with the "leagle" make this the only way to go!




Well-Known Member
Street,I don't know anyone who buys from streets.Theres 2 types of dank ganj sources now,the kind at some desp. and the kind you get from your connect,and he should be growing,or gets from someone thats growing the same quality as the clubs.Also the clubs,get there product straight from the source,as soon as its done,or as its cured.Same with a solid connect.As for street,that stuff take longer to get,from when its done.Which effect the freshness and potency of the product.


The bud sold in clubs is the same bud that is sold on the streets. Often times, the same bud that is sold in a club or clubs is also sold on the street by the same vendor who wants to make some tax free money at a better profit margin. I have seen many different grades of bud for sale in the clubs here in SoCal, everything ranging from " weaksauce " to "OMG"...the reason why MOST of the bud sold at clubs looks so good is because the club owners and buyers want as much bag appeal as they can get for the money they have to spend on inventory.

Finding AAA bud is no harder here on the "street" than it is in the clubs. The only difference is, bud that is not AAA grade can be moved on the street at reduced prices, whereas clubs very rarely PAY for this lesser quality. I still insist most of the time if you see bud that is mids-looking, or a rough trim or w/e it was grown by the club owner or someone close to him/her. Some club owners are better businessmen than growers but they try to make some of their own inventory at virtually no cost.


Well-Known Member
It's all about who you know and if you know the right people, product out of the club will be just as good as what they offer inside. That being said, I was a little disappointed with the quality that I found in Amsterdam due in large part to the fact that I know people who grow the same genetics here. Same quality but better variety in A-dam.


It's all about who you know and if you know the right people, product out of the club will be just as good as what they offer inside. That being said, I was a little disappointed with the quality that I found in Amsterdam due in large part to the fact that I know people who grow the same genetics here. Same quality but better variety in A-dam.
Where do you live ? just curious as you state that A-Dam has a better selection than where you live.


Country / state would be fine. I brought it up because I live in Cali and I am sure we have a much better variety here than A-dam.


Well-Known Member
Country / state would be fine. I brought it up because I live in Cali and I am sure we have a much better variety here than A-dam.
It sounds like you've never been to A-dam, as I have never been to California. But both places have a better selection than over here ;)