Co1e's Second Grow.


Well-Known Member
Making some improvements to room and trying to get a clone box going. Some of the lessons I learned on the first grow. Man get em' off the floor. Hurts my damn back. Installed some adjustable shelfs, Oh and painted the walls and got rid of the freakin foil:

Installed that nifty little fold away shelf to work on too. Already ripped it out to make room for the clone/mother cabinet. If your not going forward you're going backwards right?

Oh let me show some of my goodies from last grow. My Purple Power sucked. SWAG#2 and Carmelisious turn out smokeable. Total harvest 5 plants. SWAG #1: two plants that turned hermie. Chopped real early. Got about an ounce and gave it all away. SWAG#2 I had 1 plant:

That shit smokes good. Buds a little airy but I'm a T-5 grower so I expected it. I got about 17 grams of this. Kept it all to myself. Found these nifty wide mouth very short mason jars. Hold about 10 grams and I can vacuum seal the suckers. Here's the Carelisious. I spit half that with the dude that bought the seeds. There was about 25 grams out of it.

I've moved my carbon filter up high. It was on the floor for the summer but now the vent is gonna be pumping in hot air with winter coming on.


Just snagged this cabinet. Trying to work in a clone mother area inside the closet.


I'll post some more pics of this as I work on it. Check out those killer flexible lamp arms. I've got a link if anyone needs it. Screws right into a lamp socket. Come in 3 different lengths and about 10 bucks each. All my electrical will be in the drawer up top.

Here we go.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jon. Feel like I should get you some of last harvest after all the help you gave me.

Trying to figure out how to light proof that cabinet. Plus ventalation. You still got that link for where you get fans? Don't need a huge one. Cabinet is 3 feet high 21 inches wide. AC or DC. Got tons of adapters laying around.


Well-Known Member
Helps to have the right tools.

Couple holes, add a fan(may need upgrade).
I'll snack some inch and a half along the back inside to the bottom for air in. Prolly paint black inside to catch light.

The air exhast will be up in the top with electrical and thermostat/humidity meter probe. I'm going to add one more snake light, paint the shelfs white, cept the bottom of one. I figure with a cfl under the shelf it may work as a heat pad would.

Pick up some 1 1/2" 90 degree fittings monday.

Hey I welcome comments here so chine in with suggestions.

Also could use some good RIU post for cloneing if anyone has those saved. Great day to all. Burn one for me!!!!


Well-Known Member
have you thought about lining it with some panda/mylar?

I might. I wan't to get all the hardware in the see where it goes. I guess I could just do the doors and the sides where theres no fittings. With all the racks for adjustable shelfs I never thought about it. H'mmmm why I like hangin' round you dude. You keep me on my toes.


Well-Known Member
Back with new fittings, Inside air exit, lamps and exahast in bottom is last pic. Outside fan is history. Change 23. Those 2 inch conduit fittings on the back of the cabinet, just so happens they fit my shop vac hose perfect. Now I'm thinking build a box for my carbon filter and just draw off that for ventalation.


Well-Known Member
looking good C01!

what light ya got, cfl? mylar or flat white with 5% titnium is the way to go, id go with the flat refelctivity....

whats the temps gonna be ya think? looking good tho , whats the medium?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dan. I'll try a get some pics up of the little gals going. Got to be ready to clone in a couple weeks. Again from a guy with your experience the kind words mean a lot. All the best and I'm keeping my eye on yours. Lot's for me to learn there.


Well-Known Member
I just put 3 23w cfl's that I had hanging around in there now. Check the temps tonight and see with the meter I just dropped in.

Think I'm going to have to repaint or mylar G. Done scrathced everything up. LMAO I guess soil for the mother or two and... well I got rooting hormone and thats about all I know. More pics later guys.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dan. I'll try a get some pics up of the little gals going. Got to be ready to clone in a couple weeks. Again from a guy with your experience the kind words mean a lot. All the best and I'm keeping my eye on yours. Lot's for me to learn there.
Thanks bro. I'm pulling up a seat. And as my pal Jon said, If you need our help were here...

Sub'd Dan:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member

I took the damn easy route and went tupperware. But got these cool blast gates. found them at the woodworking shop under dust collection. Might have to add another just for extra air but never run the fan full speed. About 30%. Going to use the extra for hooking to a dry box. That will leave one free.


Need something better for the 2.5 inch duct to hang. Went with clear just cause it looks damn cooler. LOL


2.5 fitting from woodworking fit right on the 2 inch ridged conduit that leads to the cabinet. Just disconnect and roll into the next room for major clone/mother work. Oh too cool the cord that leads in (need to plug holes right I know) is a springy cord, so it gives and wont yank from the wall. Passed the smoke test.


From the door to the closet.

Let's get groooooooowing!!!!


Well-Known Member
OK overnight temps in the cabinet were 85.9. Little on the high side. This growing in the fall/winter is going to be more of a challenge. That's with 3 of the largest CFL's I got, 42w. The whole closet is running right around 80. Hoping when the weather cools temps go down just a little. Closet is downstairs and its always cooler in the winter. Oh fan was running about 33% speed so I have some wiggle room there. May have to build a box for the fan unit itself to quite it down. Sure is noticeable when is running full speed. Plant pics in a few days. Ex visiting the little one tonight so both doors get locked. LOL


Well-Known Member

Finished up the cabinet with lightproofing. After three different types of weatherstripping the simple black thick foam with sticky back works. Air hose draws pretty good on cabinet. OK I'll fess up. With all the industrial type connections and stuff, I ended up with a black sock on the intake and exhaust to hide any light. Temps inside are 79 with 3 23W CFL 6500K.

Couple picks of the girls together. Broke out Miss Purple Power and Miss Carmelisious for individual photos.

Group is like 3 Carmel, 3 PP, 3 SWAG#2, 2 MS

I'm going to be a Sith Lord with my very own CLONES!!!!



Well-Known Member

New GF has kept me from updating. Clones died. Got some mold then dried out. Oh well try again and going to order some rockwool.

2 Carms left. 1 Swag #2 and that MS is one funky looking plant. Smaller Carm has the more Trich's. Some cloudy, no amber.

Gonna start some in the cab from seed and use it as a veg cabinet for now.