we start here;
1) USDA- "Produce
can be called organic if it’s certified to
have grown on soil that had
no prohibited substances applied for three years prior to harvest. Prohibited substances include most
synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. t (see other considerations in “
Organic 101: Allowed and Prohibited Substances”).
2) can you tell me exactly what running 1.5 x the water:soil does for the plant? I'm still learning, but I know that this will not affect flavor, effects, overfeeding. I thought this kills beneficial orgs, removes oxygen from the root zone, and slows down bio activity immediately.
I spent hundreds a month growing with Dutch Masters Gold compared to 100 bucks every quarter for my organic fert needs. not sure how that relates to commercial auto flower production, but I save a fortune yearly using organic composted dry fertilizer with no expiration date on dry composted fertilizers.
and thank you for being civil. I enjoy exploring this and am open to new concepts. I used to think it was the salt ferts that fired up growers on this subject....lol