Co2 during flowering

Ppl taking words outta context to hate. The idea is the ground is getting colder and winter is coming. It’s been published plenty. Mayb you should read a book.
Outdoor, greenhouse and indoor are three different environments. you want a perfect environment indoors. You are lord and master of your plants. No need to replicate outside conditions indoors. You don’t rain on them Or have morning dew when lights come on in the morning. So why use something as ignorant as ice water at the end? Does your temp and humidity or barometric pressure change in the grow? Come on man use common sense.
If u do didn’t go to school for this at an actual University then don’t spit bullshit. Science don’t lie. Ice in the soil will mimic winter coming early (permafrost coming). By doing this the plant produces kore trichome to protect itself.
Btw for the Michigan growers out there
We are making a mistake harvesting in the fall and should wait till “permafrost?” Sets in :hump:
none of us been edumacted to this