I have a IAQ50 Wall Mount Indoor Air Quality Monitor - Temp, Rh, CO2[FONT=Arial,sans-serif]. [/FONT]I first used the Coleman sterno cans and it produced bigger buds than any other grower I know from Fort Collins to Denver to Colorado Springs. I did not have a meter at that time. I read about greenhouses and they also use natural gas co2 generators. It's kinda like two in one, co2 and heat. Think of it this way!!! A long time ago the air quality was really high and there where big animals, like dinosaurs. At one time or more years ago, the co2 was really high from volcanoes and such and there where giant plants, like redwoods (Green house effect). So I am really creating a greenhouse effect in my grow room. Any house plant I put in my grow room will make your mouth fall opened.
I use a one burner Coleman stove in my grow room. I measure the amount of Coleman fuel, about 1/4 of a cup will burn for 30 minutes and will put 4000 PPM of co2 and will last in my room for about four hours and jacks up the heat about 10 to 15 degrees. Keeping in mind I live in Colorado and it's the middle of the winter. I also have an air conditioner for the summer. I also have bottle gas. I use the bottle gas after PPM comes down to 1500, so the bottle gas will keep the co2 level at 1500 PPM. Mater of fact, I'm thinking of getting reed of my CO2 setup. I got it before I bought my meter, other wise I would not have bought it. Oh yes, one more thing I read, the blue flame produces the carbon dioxide. I thought about a lantern, but got the one burner stove instead because it burns about %99 blue flame. What ever you decied to do, be careful and always have a fire extinguisher close by.
The Researchman