There are several main advantages using co2 as a solvent. I dont mean jacking off a bubble bag either. Using it as a solvent in this instance means to put it through dynamic changes. Whem the co2 starts its life as a solid gas, we then pressurize a vessel and it becomes a subcritical liquid which I prefer to be carried out at in a swimming pool at about 65-75 degrees farhenhiet from 12-24 hrs. In case shit hits the fan, we want the swimming pool to absorb most of the impact of the explosion. I've never done my math incorrectly to where I've used the pool as a impact absorber rather than a water bathe. So if heat were applied at a stable room temperature, you could further heat it useing a washer machine or large trash cans with hot water from the fosset. Have a gauge and be on standby to relieve any sudden spikes or increases to max psi. This would be a Supercritical Fluid Extraction (scfe)co2. it furthermore went through changes and became a supercritical fluid. When we release the pressure it will revert back into a snow, different than the parent snow. So the main reasons i feel its green uses are more than just trendy are cost. At $1.30 a lbs at smart"n"final, I get co2 way less suspisiously than buying 10-12 cans of butane. Also, the FDA states co2 as a direct food ingredient making it even more desirable to use. In fact, the solvents I use to extract are so gentle, at worst case senario, if ingested they would be a little drunk. So I went from chemical extractions to food grade extractions. No fire precautions, and I fire em up while I extract, too!!! Fast turnaround times. More importantly is the potency of the product. So much so, i willingly pepsi challenge any other extractions w confidence. I had told someone once to try the wax I made, he told me it looked like I wiped my ass with it. So I brought him some stuff that looked discharged from his vagina!! Golden yellow. He blushed and I'm sure felt all wet down there!!! theres other reasons but those are just some of the more important ones. will edit when I'm not so stuck on stupid.