Well-Known Member
Do you have a diy, even though it sounds pretty straight forward. Safety, specifics, etc.?
It's pretty straight-forward and simple if you have a propane torch, solder, soldering paste, copper tubing and a mason jar with new sealing lids tho used would do if the lid is flat.
I guess you'll need a drill and assortment of drill bits to make the hole in the lid but a tapered punch could work.
1st use the copper tubing you have, 3/16" inch is what I used for the smaller unit, to select the drill that most closely matches it's diameter. Before drilling it's best to use emery cloth or not too coarse sandpaper to clean the top where you're going to drill the hole. Scratches up the surface and removes the thin plastic coating on top or whatever it is so the solder binds well. Put the lid on something flat like a 2x4 etc then drill/punch the hole. Set the lid up on something non-flammable so it's about half inch/1cmbelow the lid surface with just 2 or 3" above. I just some 1/2 nuts to set it on. Make sure you lightly sand the tubing so it's clean and roughed up too.
Then use a toothpick, Q-tip or anything to smear a little bit of soldering paste around the joint to draw the solder. Use the propane torch on it's lowest setting to heat the tubing just above the joint then when the paste has spread and is hot touch the solder to the joint. Keep the heat on until the solder melts and flows into the joint and seals it up good. Don't heat the lid itself or you could melt the seal around the rim. You may not need paste if you use resin core solder.
Clean up the ends of the tubing to de-burr it and make sure it's open. A larger drill lightly on the end will taper the inside to help get the wick in easier. Depending on how tight the fit is you may have to push a wire thru from the top to attach the wick to so you can pull it thru. Use natural fiber for the wick. Cotton shoelace, hemp twine or butcher's string can work. I use a wire nut/marrette to cap the wick when not in use and to put out the flame tho you can pinch it off with your fingers or blow it out too. Keeping it capped when not using prevents it all evaporating away.
Keep it in a metal or stone pail in case of leaks and away from anything flammable just in case. I keep a larger ABC fire extinguisher outside the room, just in case.
If you've never soldered before then either don't do it or find a buddy who knows how. I'm pretty sure a good 2-part epoxy or liquid metal cement would do the trick as it doesn't get hot around the joint if the tube is at least 3" above the joint. The pail or pot you stand it in should have a tight fitting lid so if anything goes wrong you can just put the lid on to put out a fire. It won't explode unless you pick up the jar with the flame on and drop it and it shatters. That won't even be an explosion but will burn all at once and end in tears. Put the flame out before refilling or moving the thing at all.
The wick should be no more than 1/8th" to 3/16th"up with an almost invisible flame in the light. Put your hand above to feel the heat to know it's on.
Good luck and be safe!