co2 help needed


Well-Known Member
I have a hydrofarm co2 sys
i entered my specs to the co2 calculator and here are the results:

Grow room area: 1408 cubic feet
Amount of CO2 required: 1.6896 cubic feet
On time: 50.688 minutes
given rate.

It will not calculate how often you will need to refill the room with CO2. There is no way to calculate how much the plants will use or how much leaks out! Usually you would want to refill just after an exhaust cycle or every 3 hours.

I have would like to set up my co2 "correctly"
I see that i need to have 5o mins of co2-is this per day?
I need to know how often i need to have co2 on-every 3hrs?
For 5o mins? or 12 mins on every 3 hrs?

I just blasted it off before and this time im gona setup right,
can anyone tell me if im right let me know where im wrong
Thanks and praise Hbr

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
From what I've read and seen, I think the 50min/3h is the right amount of time.

There really is no way to calculate how much co2 your plants will use. This depends on: strain, amount of light (used by plant to metabolize co2), temperature, water, nutes and many more. But 50min/3h is a good bet, although Id space it out even more, like 17 min/hour in order to be sure that your plants don't get a chance to metabolize all the co2 and then just do nothing.

The one you need to look out for when dealing with co2 is your temps. co2 can add another 2-5C depending on amount.


Well-Known Member
your gonig 2 have 2 buy a co2 controler if you want it right, timers suck!! a co2 controler measures the co2 ppm with a sensor and turns on if you need it, i got a cd36 co2 gen and a sentinal controler, i keep my co2 set at 1200 ppm when my sensor reads that my ppm is low my cd36 kicks on and fills my room, easy as hell, if you dont use a controler you dont know when you need co2, also if your using co2 dont vent from your room because youll suck all your co2 out, make sure you got good air cirulation, controlers are the way 2 go


Well-Known Member
great feedback guys!
just for the record there are 4 x 1ooo watts in the room

How much did your sentinal co2 controller set u back?
Previously i had only seen the "harvest master" and its 15oo$ pricetag kept me away

I am very interested!

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
The sen co2 stand alone will run you 400 to 550 depending on where you get it-----note------With the sen you will need to have it at least 8' from your ballasts if you run digi's otherwise the unit will lock-up------CAP and HARVEST MASTER all have the same problem(RF interference causes the lock-up)-----Remember you already have 350 to 500 ppm's of co2 in the air so you will only be adding 1150 to 1000 ppm's. As far as running a timer---the calculator tells you how long it would take to bring a room your size up to the co2 ppm level you gave it----If you don't want to shell out the green for a controller then get a co2 test kit and check the ppm's about halfway thou a days lights -on cycle. The most efficient use of co2 comes from running a room air-tight---no-venting during the lights-on--period. Run a dehumidifier and vent for all 12 of the dark hours----dial your temp in at 83-85 and you'll be golden.


Well-Known Member
drvon is right about 4-500 i cant remember 4 sure i bought the complete sentinel set up for up to 16 1000s everything was around 1500, me and a friend both grow with the same set up same clones but he dosent use co2 my tree comes out way better than his, yeild and quality

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
The hydrogen rocks!!!---I'm still playing with the colling res size but the unit brings the co2 ppm up fast and keeps them there without a struggle---even if I have to vent due to heat. The units have a ton of safety features such as an oxygen depletion sensor. I put a carbon monoxide alarm next to the unit just to see if there were any issues and I can happily say to this day there are no issues yet. I use to run tanks of co2 in the summer because of heat but now I will not have to lug those ()*&(*&*&^^&%% around.:mrgreen: