85? ,60-70? You flower in 70rh your yield will be loaded with bud rot. Design the room so you can maintain 76 and 30%rh this way it won't struggle to cool a temp higher then 81 or lower the humidity to 40-45. I run at 77-78 sometimes higher dependant on strain but that is unusual.
No actually a high temperature is vital to the use of co2. 85-95 degrees is where you should be at if you are going all the way in 1500 ppm co2. Even without co2 mj loves 80 degrees. Just waisted a bunch of time reading about it and I'm not even going to use it. And on rh, it will be harder to control with co2 I wasn't saying keep your rh at 70 I said below 60-70 30 is way to low. Anytime I'd go that low is last few weeks of flower indoors. Humidity is a big part of growth especially in veg stage 30 percent is dry as hell.