Well-Known Member
Good luck brother ....I'd start small to medium and invest as u profit but if u got it to blow go for it
And 10% rh really?? You think he will just blast his dehumidifier all day your making me laugh dude. It's for control people with sealed room and water there plants etc there's going to be humidity and he's going to need to control it.Let's spend an extra 1000 on shit that u don't need because ur plants are gonna be under lighted but they will be ice cold and in 10% rh lol
Exactly so why argue let him go for gold, quit crying.Good luck brother ....I'd start small to medium and invest as u profit but if u got it to blow go for it
He'll also be harvesting like 6 times your weight each cycle easy.Nothing says pro grow like .5 gpw in a 5000$ grow room
I said whyNothing says pro grow like .5 gpw in a 5000$ grow room
Not everyone going for profit either lol could be medical could be for his mom and dad, damn your stupid.Not as far as gpw and efficiency he will be investing 10x more cash and take him a year to see a profit
Oh trust me bud I can tell.I'm jealous is all I wish I had that space and budget
That's funny and all but it's called other patients like I said why don't you think about a medical stand point.Ur mom is a pothead if she smokes @ 10x15 grow room harvest