Co2 idea..... not sure if this is a waste of time or not~


Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to be called an idiot.... but I have an idea and was just wondering if it's worth the effort.
I have a ton of Co2 cartridges hanging around as well as an old nitrous "cracker" from the good old days... the kind used to fill a balloon... so my thought was to fill the balloon with Co2 and clamp it so the gas escapes very slowly.... please keep in mind I have a VERY small tent... growlab GL40, so I dont have a big area to cover... I think it's 16" square. I have very good exhaust going so Im not even sure I need to supplement but figured it couldn't hurt during flowering..... any thoughts would be appreciated, positive or not.... just figured I'd ask... and ty in advance for any input~
btw.... the plan was to hang it over the plant just before she goes to sleep
Give it a shot man! Forget anyone that tells you NOT to experiment! If you can control the release of CO2, then I dont see why it wouldnt work. Probably not the BEST method, but who cares? You HAVE CO2, so do your thing.
much NICER response than I expected...ty somedude..... as you said I have it, might as well try~ I guess I was just wondering if it was even enough gas to matter... ya know??? can't hurt I guess
Here's a pic of her..... WWxBB female seeds... (praying I dont see bananas!!) heard all kinds of Hermie horror stories....Starting her on 12/12 tonight
Whos the breeder? Is the BB Blueberry or Big Bud? Both are hermie prone, unfortunately. But My WW was a real trooper. Wouldnt hermie for nothing! You wont see bananas until a couple weeks before harvest if its genetic and if you only have one plant, dont worry about them and let her finish. Just give you space a thorough washing to get any pollen that may have fallen.
Oh, almost forgot, even if you are only adding a little CO2, if you dont have a regular exchange of outside fresh air, any is better than none.
it's white widow x big bud from female seeds... and everything is going a little too perfectly for my liking....thus my concerns... something crappy has to happen sooner or later!! ;) it's loaded with female pre flowers right now.... but like you said.... I've heard the evil can happen late in flowering... ~fingers crossed!!!
when you say outside air... do you mean outside of the tent?? or actual air from outside...? I have an exhaust fan pulling at a pretty good clip from outside the tent.... but nothing involving actual outdoor air... Im moving the air in the tent about 20 times a minute if I did my math correctly...
and ty for the pollen cleanup advice although Im praying I won't have to deal with that!
lovin the input man.... ty very much
No problem man. I do mean air from Outside the building containing higher levels of CO2. But if you are in the area just outside of the tent very often or it gets fresh air, it should have raised levels. If not, then any use of CO2 will be good. Im not 100% sure, but I think CO2 is really just needed most during veg, so start backing off during flower. And Ill cross my finger too, I hate seeing those damn bananas!
the more fingers crossed the better!!!!! I'll keep posting updates.... hopefully good ones!!! thanx again man and hope the holidays treat you kind! and yes, the room the tent is in gets plenty of fresh's just not "pumped" into the tent per say.... it just gets sucked in via my exhaust fan
just copied and pasted this.... but it seems there are opinions for both arguments.... lol

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels should be high, particularly during the FLOWERING PHASE . Growth rates can be increased dramatically if the CO2 level is near 700 ppm. 300 ppm (Outside Air) 700 ppm (Ideal) 2000 ppm (Plants Burn) 5000 ppm (Death) CO2 is cheaply produced by burning Natural Gas. However, heat and Carbon Monoxide must be vented to the outside air. CO2 can be obtained by buying or leasing cylinders from local welding supply houses. Beware! The DEA has asked the supply houses to provide lists of large CO2 users. If you are questioned, simply say "I have an old mig welder at the house and I want to try and patch up my (Lawnmower, car, trailer, etc.). If you find that you are making lots of trips to the supply house, complain that your "buddy" keeps leaving the cylinder valve open all night. This should provide a plausible excuse.
Is using dry ice a good ideal for CO2 and how do you know when your plants have to much C02? Just laid 10lbs of dry ice next to my 7 plants.
Im not an expert Oldluck but I know dry ice is a very plausible way to introduce Co2 to your plants.... just not sure about the amounts needed.... I do know that TOO much Co2 is not good for people... so I'm guessing there is a limit to what plants can tolerate... the more Co2 in the air the less oxygen.... and I think we both know what that!!!! be careful... I wish I had a better answer for ya!~
just as a point of reference.... I've seen people using 1 pound chunks of dry ice in a container of hot water.... so 10 pounds seems a bit excessive.... but like I said.... I really have no idea... maybe some nice folks here will fill in the blanks for us
Took out the ice after a couple off hours. The leaves were starting to wrinkle and droop a little. I doubt if that is normal.
to be honest, when you said 10 pounds... it made me nervous.... I mean the stuff is like 100degrees below zero.... that temp plus depletion of oxygen didnt sound like a great idea.... glad you got it out of there!!