CO2 method


I'm about 5 days into 12/12 lighting for lowering on my first hydro grow.
The plants are looking good and i'm hoping to have a decent number of females out of the crop once they start to show sex.

Anyway... was reading about adding CO2 to the plants but don't have the budget to go buy a big tank, regulator, timer, etc all just for CO2 but than came across an extremely low cost method of getting CO2 into my grow closet so gave it try last night.
I have no idea how well it's working or not but at least it shouldn't hurt anything.

I took an empty 1 gallon milk container and with a funnel put into it about a pound or so of plain white sugar.
Added enough warm water to completely dissolve all the sugar than added a big tablespoon or so (didn't measure anything so i'm guessing on the quantities) of yeast to the mixture.
The yeast feeding off the sugar solution should produce CO2.

I drilled a hole in the cap of the milk container and inserted one end of some spare air hose I had that I used during my hydro set-up. The air hose is the same as I used that went from the air pump to the air stones. The other end of the hose I fed thru the wire grill of the oscillating fan I have in the closet.

The CO2 should come out the air hose and than be dispersed throughout the grow closet via the fan.
I did that once when I first started growing, and I guess it helped a little bit, but unless your room is completely air tight, you're almost wasting your time. Shake it up every day at least. All it's going to do is help, if anything.