Bout time someone did something about heat generated by those damn generators.
Regrets--The fuzzy logic program is used only for tank systems, the CAP controller with fuzzy logic also has a standard ppm3 type control for use with generators.
What fuzzy logic does is it figures out the amount of co2 to dispense to keep the room at the desired level and keeps it within a few ppms. Meaning is clicks on and off in short spurts, like psst......psst.........psst........psst.........psst.... Etc.
This isn't good for generators, because they can't ignite and burn in short spurts, they need a regular ppm controller, an on/off style where the ppms drop to say 1250ppm before it kicks on and goes up to 1550ppm, then doesn't turn back on til it reaches 1250ppm again.
Make sense?