CO2 usage in sealed room


Well-Known Member
Half way through building a roughly 7x10 sealed room in a basement corner. Undecided on running CO2 tank or generator. Does anyone have a rough idea how long a 20 pound tank would last given the room was sealed nearly perfect? Any input would be appreciated, thanks.
That's gonna depend greatly on the biomass if things are really sealed up tightly. So your tank may last 2 weeks when you start and 2 days when your in mid flower peak growth. Only way to really find out is to give it a go. Personally if the heat can be managed then I greatly prefer to have my CO2 plumbed in via natural gas. I hate having to haul tanks.
If you do go with a bottle, make sure to grab two so you can have one running while you get the other refilled.
One more note, make sure to get a CO2 controller that has a fuzzy logic mode for running on a bottle. This will allow it to learn not to overshoot the PPM and tune itself to your environment and regulator settings. The first time it runs it will likely overshoot the PPM as CO2 is released before the sensor can detect it. The second time it runs it will stop a little early to allow the CO2 sensor to read it. After a few cycles it's pretty well figured out how long it needs to run. If you change to a CO2 generator you can turn the fuzzy logic off as the CO2 is released more gradually and over run isn't significant.
Thanks for the quick replies. I agree with hauling tanks non sense, haven’t done it but hate the idea already. I do have natural gas supply within feet of room. The only thing that has strayed me away from a burner was safety. I read they have dual solenoid and electronic ignition but I see a lot of brands and models come and go. Any in mind that would be worth buying preferably around 400?
Thanks for the quick replies. I agree with hauling tanks non sense, haven’t done it but hate the idea already. I do have natural gas supply within feet of room. The only thing that has strayed me away from a burner was safety. I read they have dual solenoid and electronic ignition but I see a lot of brands and models come and go. Any in mind that would be worth buying preferably around 400?
Titan makes a good unit. I have used a lot of different ones over the years without problem, Green Air Products, Titan, Sentinel, C.A.P. and others. So long as they are installed properly there is no issue.
I had been looking at the titan 4 burner for a bit but that 1st review on Amazon lol. I’ll continue to research co2 as I wrap up this room. I likely will buy the autopilot apc8200 controller though titan has professional series atlas 2 which looks less likely to fail and has great reviews as well. Thanks again
Keep in mind that I never exhaust but I use less than 2 whole 20 tanks for a full cycle including a 30 day veg. Also keep in mind that I do use living soil which adds to the co2 in the room. Last but not least I do vermicomposting in the same room and I have noticed whenever I first add more food for my worms the co2 will spike for a few days as well so between all those variables plus me being in there with my plants daily I dont waste too much from my tank.
If you seal your room it will last a long time, and if you don't exhaust.

We are metric here so in my 2.9 X 4.4m room I use about a 6kg tank a month when the room is full.
The 20lb tanks are nothing to bring in and out or your place unless you cant lift 40 pounds lol. 2 full ones would last a while in that size of room. Also bottles dont put off heat like a burner does.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I’m still building away and nothing set in stone yet as far as CO2 goes. Have to make sure I have a local supplier as well if I went with tanks. I believe I’ve read that food grade co2 would be needed but varying ideologies on that as well.
in a 7x10 room just the pilot flame burning will bring the ppm around 800.

with big plants you will need to turn the main burner on 1 minutes sometimes

it's very economical to run co2
you need to replace the 13kg tank of propane every 3/4 month

of course no venting at all, you can just keep at small air renewing, under the door for exemple