CO2 vs. no CO2


Active Member
Does anyone have any pics that they can post of their plants flowering with CO2 add to the mix? And does anyone have any pics that they can post of their plants flowering without the aid of CO2? I want to see the comparison between the two and also note the difference for future reference. (basically shut my buddy up cause he doesn't know what the hell he is talking about) So go ahead and start posting!


Well-Known Member
Seems like asking for pics so you can shut your buddy up is a lame reason for asking members to take the time to post pics,not to mention the pics you ask for would have to come from a growers serious study & costly investment.

The reaserch on co2 is all over google,if used the right way its proven to be benificial,if used in shake & bake pop bottles randomly its most likely doing nothing.


Well-Known Member
Panhead's right.............that home made crap with sugar and yeast is just a waste of time in my experience.


Well-Known Member
i used co2 on my last grow, but im just learning that my bottle ran enpty at about week 6. iy plants are 3 weeks along with out co2,ill have some pixs then here is what thay looklike at 2 weeks flower. there getting the gas on friday, and im sure i will see a big differents in one week.



Well-Known Member
i swear by using CO2 correcly and safely.. it's easy to screw up (been there).... so if a person doesnt have a ppm meter and some knowledge, i would be very cautious in this venture..... but when done correcly there is a big difference... sorry, wish i had pics to share..... but in my findings, theres about a 50% quality difference in what i grow.... thats keeping my CO2 measured at 1200 ppm during daylight hours...