
CO2 is heavier than the other elements of air, so if you can figure out a way to keep a pocket of it hanging around the air intakes of your tent, you'll increase its presence in your grow environment. You wouldn't even need a full floor to ceiling vapor barrier, just a container that is taller than the intakes of the tent. It could even be open-topped.
That said, I have no idea how it pays off. I was hardening cider right next to my tent for several weeks of veg. It may have helped, but I have no frame of reference to compare it to.
you could make a 5 gallon barrel or two of "beer" with yeast n sugar to ferment n make cheaper co2 than the mushroom bags!!!! or get gas
Fermenting beer is only going to give you two weeks of CO2. It's practically the same process as hardening cider, except you don't have to make a very large batch of oatmeal at the start.
If you're already bottling dozens of beers a month, then you've got an ample CO2 supply, sure.

But if you're not inclined to all that work, or you don't have the room to store cases of beer for an additional 2 weeks at a time in their bottles, or you don't want to drink that much beer, then just buy a bag of fungus. It's so much easier.

This all being said with the caveat that a properly ventilated grow environment should provide sufficient CO2 and any of these additional supplies are probably unnecessary.
Commercial greenhouse growers use CO2.
It is not cheap, so there is a reason they do it: better yields.

For us hobby growers it can work as well.
But you have to have a sealed room, otherwise your sucking out the CO2 the minute it gets released.
Sealed room means some kind of climate control like an AC.
Also you need to pimp up the rest: Heat, light and often EC. Otherwise the plant can't handle the CO2.
CO2 in cannabis can easily give a 10 to 20% higher yield.
It may just be the case that commercial growers with sealed environments add CO2 because, if you have a sealed environment, you will inevitably use up all the CO2. Because it's a sealed environment.
Good thinking, but no.
A greenhouse is never totally sealed, so fresh CO2 could get in all the time.
It is true that in wintertime they keep 'windows' shut more, to keep the heat in.
Ideal for CO2 distribution (they also often use gas heaters = CO2 + warmth)

In summer time they often have to open the windows and then also a lot of the CO2 disappears.
That is why plenty of commercial growers have a system where the CO2 is distributed using tubes with small holes.
These tubes are laying between the plants (near the bottom)
CO2 is heavier then the other gasses in air, so it will stay (hopefully) near the bottom long enough to give the plants time to absorb it.

Also when those growers add - let's say - 1000 ppm they are sometimes happy if they reach 500 ppm near the plants.
they also often use gas heaters = CO2 + warmth
Just FYI it would be against code pretty much everywhere to just dump the exhaust from a commercial heating system indoors, as you suggest. You'd be venting a lot more than CO2 into a space where people, like, are alive! :eek:
Just FYI it would be against code pretty much everywhere to just dump the exhaust from a commercial heating system indoors, as you suggest. You'd be venting a lot more than CO2 into a space where people, like, are alive! :eek:

Before you start saying nonsense, please do some research. Then you would not have to use the expression 'LOL?'.

Read this for example
I will even help you what they say:
Carbon dioxide can be obtained by burning carbon-based fuels such as natural gas, propane, and kerosene, or directly from tanks of pure CO2. Each source has potential advantages and disadvantages. When natural gas, propane or kerosene is burned, not only CO2 is produced, but also heat is generated that can supplement the normal heating system

Or what about this system that thousands of Cannabis growers worldwide use?
It burns propane in your grow room.
I wonder why he's selling it on Ebay without installation instead of commercially with full installation.
Also, 71 is a little bit smaller a number than "thousands worldwide." :roll:
I wonder why he's selling it on Ebay without installation instead of commercially with full installation.
Also, 71 is a little bit smaller a number than "thousands worldwide." :roll:

Man, do some research!
You do have internet, otherwise you would not be on this forum.
I also sended you a Canadian scientific paper.
So before you post more not-smart answers, use Google.

Every serious growshop sells CO2 generators.
The link was just an example so you know how they look like.
Here, another one:

I don't want to insult people, because it happens to fast on forums like these.
But please, please, do some research.
Hey man, if you want to spend your days telling people it's perfectly fine to huff engine exhaust, then do your thing. Just don't expect me to agree with you.

Also don't expect a lot of people to be convinced by this lame "me Googled it, me am smart" argument, especially when it's communicated in the sort of broken English that makes you sound like Borat in the role of the most untrustworthy used car salesman on the planet. "Just plug one end hose on tailpipe and other end on grow room! Is very nice!"

You started out by arguing that CO2 was good, but only in sealed environments. When I pointed out that it was probably necessary because CO2 will be exhausted in any sealed environment with sufficient plants and more hours of light than darkness, you did a 180 and said no greenhouse is ever truly sealed to argue that, despite the opposite circumstance, CO2 was good and necessary regardless.

There are whole growers that produce tons(!) of product without supplementing their plants' CO2. They're called "farms" and "orchards" and they utilize strictly atmospheric CO2.
Feel free to Google it. ;)
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You are perhaps not stupid, but ignorant you are. Or a troll, that is also possible.
My English is not perfect, I know that. but it is not my first language.
How many languages do you speak and how fluent are you with them?

But I will explain, not for you, because you seem to be lost, and you don't understand science
But for the other people who perhaps want to learn.

Yes, many greenhouses run without CO2. But there are also many who do use CO2-generators.
Where I live there are hundreds of acres of commercial greenhouses and many of them have CO2 generators.
They burn gas. Propane, butane, LPG, natural gas.
They all burn it inside their greenhouse, for CO2.
Just because you have never seen one or visited one, it does not mean it does not happen.

And did you check the link with the CO2 generators for cannabis growers?
You think they just made that up?
You think the people here on RIU are lying? Like @Renfro or @TrichomeChaser.

I said that in our hobby your room should be sealed.
Otherwise you are sucking out the CO2 the moment it is created by the CO2 generator or bottles.
We are sucking out air because we want to remove water and heat mostly. We suck out so much that all the extra created CO2 will disappear.

In Greenhouses they don't suck out air in the dimensions like we do.
They are bigger, there is more space for evaporated water and they are happy with the heat (they hardly use HPS-lamps like we do)
So in winter time, they turn on the CO2 generators. These will warm up the greenhouse and create extra CO2.
Still a lot of this CO2 will disappear through doors, windows, holes. So that is why I said that if they create 1000 ppm they are often happy if 500 or 600 will reach the plants.

These are all not opinions but agricultural facts.
And I guess if you would visit a greenhouse in New Jersey or somewhere around there, they will use CO2 generator that burn gas inside their greenhouse.
You are perhaps not stupid, but ignorant you are. Or a troll, that is also possible.
My English is not perfect, I know that. but it is not my first language.
How many languages do you speak and how fluent are you with them?

But I will explain, not for you, because you seem to be lost, and you don't understand science
But for the other people who perhaps want to learn.

Yes, many greenhouses run without CO2. But there are also many who do use CO2-generators.
Where I live there are hundreds of acres of commercial greenhouses and many of them have CO2 generators.
They burn gas. Propane, butane, LPG, natural gas.
They all burn it inside their greenhouse, for CO2.
Just because you have never seen one or visited one, it does not mean it does not happen.

And did you check the link with the CO2 generators for cannabis growers?
You think they just made that up?
You think the people here on RIU are lying? Like @Renfro or @TrichomeChaser.

I said that in our hobby your room should be sealed.
Otherwise you are sucking out the CO2 the moment it is created by the CO2 generator or bottles.
We are sucking out air because we want to remove water and heat mostly. We suck out so much that all the extra created CO2 will disappear.

In Greenhouses they don't suck out air in the dimensions like we do.
They are bigger, there is more space for evaporated water and they are happy with the heat (they hardly use HPS-lamps like we do)
So in winter time, they turn on the CO2 generators. These will warm up the greenhouse and create extra CO2.
Still a lot of this CO2 will disappear through doors, windows, holes. So that is why I said that if they create 1000 ppm they are often happy if 500 or 600 will reach the plants.

These are all not opinions but agricultural facts.
And I guess if you would visit a greenhouse in New Jersey or somewhere around there, they will use CO2 generator that burn gas inside their greenhouse.
Just because he's dense doesn't mean we all are lol... Let him believe whatever he wants. Experienced growers know whats up. Co2 supplementation rules!
A clean blue flame indicates that no carbon monoxide is being produced. In that case you can run a CO2 generator indoors. Just use a CO2 PPM controller to make sure you stay below 2000 PPM. We use gas stoves indoors all the time without concern....